(A)   Purpose. These districts are intended to recognize the unique and special environmental qualities and problems of the old village. The purposes of these regulations are:
      (1)   To assure that all uses, new development and construction, building and site rehabilitation, remodeling, property access, parking and pedestrian circulation are in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan;
      (2)   To develop and maintain these districts as an economic, social and physical asset to the entire city;
      (3)   To recognize the unique and special problems of the old village not common to new commercial and residential areas;
      (4)   To provide an opportunity for all landowners and tenants to be aware of and comment upon all significant activities and development which may affect the well-being of the area; and
      (5)   To promote the preservation and protection of historic structures to enhance the environmental quality of neighborhoods and to establish and improve property values.
   (B)   Permitted uses. In addition to those uses permitted by § 153.053 of this code, the following uses shall be permitted: Interior remodeling, except those requiring structural alterations and those allowing a more intensive use of the structure.
   (C)   Other specially permitted uses. The following uses shall require an administrative permit:
      (1)   All public improvements;
      (2)   Signs as required in § 153.130 of this code;
      (3)   All new construction requiring a building permit and exceeding $500 in assessed value as determined by the Building Official; and
      (4)   All exterior construction, alteration, remodeling or restoration of any structure or sign, except normal maintenance or repairs.
   (D)   Standards for granting administrative permits. An administrative permit shall be issued by the Zoning Administrator if he or she determines the proposed use satisfies the following conditions and the conditions set forth in § 153.028 of this code.
      (1)   All work should be of a character and quality that maintains the distinguishing features of the building and the environment. The removal or alteration of distinctive architectural features should be avoided as should alterations that have no historical basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance. The restoration of altered original features, if documentable, is encouraged.
      (2)   Changes which may have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a building, structure or site and its environment. These changes may have acquired significance in their own right, and this significance shall be recognized and respected.
      (3)   Deteriorated architectural features should be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. In the event of replacement, new materials should match the original in composition, design including consideration of proportion, texture and detail, color and overall appearance.
      (4)   New additions or alterations to structures should be constructed in a manner that if the conditions or alterations were to be removed in the future, the form and integrity of the original structure would be unimpaired.
      (5)   The impact of alterations or additions on individual buildings as well as on the surrounding streetscape will be considered; major alterations to buildings which occupy a corner lot or are otherwise prominently sited should be avoided.
      (6)   New construction should be compatible with the historic and architectural character of the district.
      (7)   The city design guidelines that are adopted by the City Council as §§ 161.15 and 161.16 of this code, provide additional guidance for administrative permit design review.
   (E)   Special uses.
      (1)   As permitted by § 153.053 of this code; and
      (2)   As regulated by the standards contained in division (D) above and § 153.027 of this code.
   (F)   The Design Review Committee.
      (1)   Established; members. The Design Review Committee is a function of the Heritage Preservation Commission described in § 32.32 of this code.
      (2)   Determination of level of review; minor work. The Zoning Administrator may apply the guidelines in division (D) above and §§ 161.15 and 161.16 of this code, and, if the work is conforming, approve permits for the following types of work without convening the Design Review Committee:
         (a)   Reroofing;
         (b)   Repair or replacement of porches, windows, siding, trim and doors if new materials match existing; or
         (c)   Masonry finishing and chimney reconstruction.
      (3)   Determination of level of review; major work. The Zoning Administrator shall convene the Design Review Committee review of all other types of work, including:
         (a)   Roof alterations and skylights;
         (b)   Alterations to the front or side elevations visible from the public street including alterations to windows, siding, entries and trim;
         (c)   Additions;
         (d)   New construction, including garages; or
         (e)   Demolition.
   (G)   Exemptions. Properties abutting Pennington Avenue and west of Pennington Avenue are exempt from division (D) above and §§ 161.15 and 161.16 of this code. Residences constructed after 1940 and before January 1, 1995, shall be exempt from division (D) above and §§ 161.15 and 161.16 of this code, unless the proposed work involves additions, the construction of new accessory buildings or demolition.
(Prior Code, § 12-142) (Ord. 02-2008, passed 1-9-2008)