17.01.060 Relationship to Other Regulations
   (a)   The provisions of this Zoning Code shall not be interpreted to repeal, amend, modify, alter, or change any other code that is not specifically repealed, amended, modified, altered, or changed.
   (b)   Nothing in this Zoning Code shall be interpreted to authorize the use of a lot or parcel in any way that is in violation of any other applicable statute, code, or regulation.
   (c)   When provisions of various adopted codes are different, the more restrictive provisions shall apply, except as the same may be superseded by resolution or ordinance.
   (d)   The rights granted by any permit, license, or other approval under any ordinance repealed by this Zoning Code shall be continued, but in the future, to the extent permitted by law, such rights shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of this Zoning Code.
[Ord. No. 528, Exhibit D, 9/10/14.]