8.30.090 Notice Form.
   A.   The notice required to be given pursuant to Subsection A. of Section 8.30.080 shall be substantially as follows:
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 8.30.080 of Chapter 8.30 of Title 8 of the Adelanto Municipal Code providing for the elimination of weeds, vines, brush, shrub, grass, tree trimmings, rubbish, or litter growing upon or accumulated upon or in front of this property, and obstructing the use of sidewalks, parking or streets, or dangerous or injurious to neighboring property or the health and welfare of residents of the vicinity, that the following conditions exist upon this property in violation of law:
(Description of area and conditions)
The Property to which this Notice applies is the following:
(Description of property, by tax description, street address, lot number, parcel number of other reference sufficient to identify the premises)
Said conditions subject the owners, managers or persons having charge, control or occupancy thereof to fine and imprisonment. In addition, such conditions constitute a public nuisance which must be abated by the removal thereof. Otherwise, such conditions will be corrected and the nuisance abated by the City. In such case, the cost of removal will be assessed upon the land from or in front of which the same are removed and will constitute a lien upon such land until paid. Reference is hereby made to Chapter 8.30 of Title 8 of the Adelanto Municipal Code for further particulars.
All property owners having any objections to the proposed removal of said weeds, rubbish, refuse, dirt, rank growths or other material dangerous or injurious to neighboring property as aforesaid, are hereby notified to file a written statement of such objections, specifying the address or description of the property concerned, the reasons for the objections, and the name, address, phone number (if any) and status (owner, manager, lessee, tenant or other) of the objector, which statement shall be filed with the City Clerk not later than the ________ day of __________________, 20_______.
Upon receipt of such written statement, the City Clerk will set such matter upon the agenda of the City Council and objectors will be notified by mail of the time and place of the meeting at which the City Council will hear and consider such objections. Such meeting shall be not sooner than seven (7) days after mailing of such notices.
   B.   The notice required to be given pursuant to Subsection B. of Section 8.30.080 shall be substantially as follows:
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 8.30.080 of Chapter 8.30 of Title 8 of the Adelanto Municipal Code providing for the elimination of litter accumulated upon this property, and dangerous or injurious to neighboring property or the health and welfare of residents of the vicinity, that the following record of citations exists with regard to this property:
(Description of record of violations and citations)
The property to which this notice applies is the following:
(Description of property tax description, street address, lot number, parcel number or the reference sufficient to identify the premises)
Such conditions subject the owners, managers or persons having charge, control or occupancy thereof to fine or imprisonment. In addition, such conditions constitute a public nuisance which must be abated by the erection of a fence conforming to the requirements of Section 8.30.080 of Chapter 8.30 of Title 8 of the Adelanto Municipal Code. Otherwise, such fence will be erected by the City, and the cost will be assessed upon the land upon which the fence is erected and will constitute a lien upon such land until paid. Reference is hereby made to Chapter 8.30 of Title 8 of the Adelanto Municipal Code.
All property owners having any objection to the proposed erection of a fence are hereby notified to file a written statement of such objections, specifying the address or description of the property concerned, the reasons for the objections, and the name, address, phone number (if any) and status (owner, manager, lessee, tenant or other) of the objector, which statement shall be filed with the City Clerk not later than the ________ day of ______________, 20_____.
Upon receipt of such written statement, the City Clerk will set such matter upon the agenda of the City Council and objectors will be notified by mail of the time and place of the meeting at which the City Council will hear and consider such objections. Such meeting shall be not sooner than seven (7) days after the mailing of such notices.