8.30.080 Notice Requiring Removal of Noxious Growth or Litter, or Fencing of Property.
   A.   If and when it shall appear that weeds, vines, shrubs or brush, grass, dry or dead tree cuttings or litter have been placed upon or are upon or in front of private property, in violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter, the City Officer may, by appropriate written order, direct the abatement of such nuisance by removal thereof and shall cause nuisance by removal thereof and shall cause notices to be posted upon or in front of such property to the effect that such weeds, vines, shrubs, brush, tree trimmings, rubbish, grass or litter shall be removed within seven (7) days from and after the date of such posting.
   B.   In the case of vacant property only, in the event that any such property is cited five (5) or more times within a period of five (5) years or less for violations of this Chapter relating to litter placed upon or being upon such property, the property shall be deemed to be a chronic nuisance. Thereupon the City Officer may, by appropriate written order, direct the owner of such property to abate such nuisance by erecting a fence to secure the property against public access, in order to prevent further such depositing of litter, and shall cause notices to be posted upon or in front of such property to the effect that such fence must be erected within seven (7) days from and after the date of such posting. Such fence shall consist of, or be substantially similar to, aluminum chain-link fence, six (6) feet in height, with wood or aluminum vertical posts of at least the same height at intervals of not more than ten (10) feet.
   C.   Such notice shall be conspicuously posted on or in front of the property, as follows:
      1.   Two (2) notices are required to be posted for any parcel having a frontage up to one hundred (100) feet;
      2.   If the frontage of such parcel is greater than one hundred (100) feet, two (2) notices shall be posted, with one (1) additional notice for each added fifty (50) feet of frontage.
         The City Officer shall also send a similar notice to the owner of the property, as shown upon any City record or upon the last equalized tax roll, whichever he shall determine to be the best means for notifying the actual owner, through the United States mail. The failure of the owner to receive such notice shall not affect the power of the City or its officers or employees to proceed as provided in this part. Such notice shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days prior to the date set for hearing upon objection as provided in Section 8.30.100.