17.46.020   Regulations
The following provisions supersede those of the underlying land use/zoning district:
   (a)   In residential zones (not including MU or AP zones), regulations applicable to the R3-30 zone shall apply, unless superseded by provisions in this Chapter.
   (b)   All development shall include residential dwelling units at a minimum density of twenty (20) units per net acre or a maximum of two thousand one hundred and seventy-eight (2,178) square feet of lot area per unit.
   (c)   In underlying land use/zoning districts with a maximum density, the maximum density is the density of the underlying zone or thirty (30) dwelling units per acre, whichever is greater. As in all districts, density bonus may increase the maximum density.
   (d)   Owner-occupied and rental multifamily residential use shall be reviewed through a “by-right” ministerial process (set forth in Section 17.100.090 Ministerial Review) for developments that include at least twenty percent (20%) of units affordable to lower-income households.
[Ord. No. 652, Exhibit 1, 7/24/24.]