The Airport Park Overlay District designated herein by the symbol "APO", is intended to enhance safety to aviators and the general public by informing and notifying property owners of potential noise and safety issues generated from the Adelanto Airport Park. The purpose of the Airport Park Overlay District is to promote safe and harmonious development of those areas located within the Airport Park Overlay District as shown on the City of Adelanto General Plan Land Use/Zoning Map.
The guidelines in this Chapter help minimize the exposure to high noise levels and accident hazards generated by airport operations and encourage future development that is compatible with the continued operation of the airport. This is achieved by promoting commercial and industrial developments that are capable of strengthening the local economy and enhancing the quality of life of residents, as well as ensuring that land use conflicts are minimized and that long term interest for industrial projects are maintained. The Airport Park Overlay District identifies potential restrictions and limitations on uses and heights of structures and other objects near airports in order to protect airport airspace and people on the ground.
[Ord. No. 480, Section 6, 3/11/09.]