17.40.010 Intent and Purpose
   The Open Space, Public Land and Schools (OS) and Greenbelt Corridors (DE and UE) districts are established to preserve natural desert habitat resources, drainages, utility easements, and for outdoor recreation, both active and passive, public lands and schools. This zone district applies to public lands which have been acquired in fee ownership by the City and other public agencies. Toward this end, the following districts are established:
   (a)   Open Space, Public Land and Schools (OS)
      The Open Space, Public Land and Schools (OS) district provides for undeveloped areas with wildlife habitat and/or natural resource value, renewable energy uses and recreational uses. Land designated as OS south of Holly Road is also suitable for public lands and schools. In this district, one residential dwelling unit is permitted per 50 acres or as an existing, approved use.
   (b)   Greenbelt Corridor: Drainage Easement (DE)
      The Greenbelt Corridor: Drainage Easement (DE) district provides for storm water drainage and storm water detention uses that may also contain bicycle and hiking trails, and recreational parking areas.
   (c)   Greenbelt Corridor: Utility Easement (UE)
      The Greenbelt Corridor: Utility Easement (UE) district provides for transmission and power lines uses that may also contain bicycle and hiking trails and recreational park areas.
[Ord. No. 528, Exhibit L, 9/10/14.]