A.   Purpose: To set standards for addition of acreage to a planned community; to allow for the updating of a planned community subarea comprehensive plan and a planned community implementation plan to cover additional land added to the planned community; to describe the application process; and to allow a streamlined process under appropriate conditions.
   B.   Application Process:
      1.   All applications for the addition of incremental acreage to an existing planned community, which planned community was approved after the effective date hereof, shall be processed in compliance with the processes listed in sections 8-8-7 and 8-8-8 of this chapter.
         a.   If, in the discretion of the director, the addition of acreage to an existing planned community is found to pose minimal effect on the planned community comprehensive subarea plan, the planned community implementation plan, and to the region, then the planned community subarea comprehensive plan amendment application and the planned community subarea implementation plan amendment application may be processed concurrently.
         b.   If, in the discretion of the director, the addition of acreage to an existing planned community is found to pose material effect on the planned community comprehensive subarea plan, the planned community implementation plan, and to the region, then the planned community subarea comprehensive plan amendment and the planned community implementation plan amendment applications must be processed sequentially.
      2.   All applications for the addition of incremental acreage to an existing planned community, which planned community was approved prior to the effective date hereof, require, as a prerequisite, that a planned community subarea comprehensive plan and a planned community implementation plan be created and approved for the planned community. Applications for the addition of acreage shall thereafter be processed in compliance with this section.
   C.   Application Requirements:
      1.   The applicant shall update the planned community subarea comprehensive plan reports, reviews, and analyses in compliance with subsection 8-8-7C of this chapter. The applicant may use the adopted planned community subarea comprehensive plan goals and policies as appropriate.
      2.   The applicant shall update the planned community subarea comprehensive plan goals and policies according to subsection 8-8-7D of this chapter.
      3.   The applicant shall update the planned community implementation plan in compliance with subsection 8-8-8C of this chapter.
   D.   Required Findings: In order to add incremental acreage to an existing planned community the board of Ada County commissioners must make all of the following findings:
      1.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea plan adequately addresses the future housing needs of the Boise metropolitan area and Ada County population growth;
      2.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea plan adequately addresses the educational needs of the proposed population;
      3.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea plan is reasonably supported by economic and market conditions in Ada County and the Boise metropolitan area;
      4.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that planned community subarea plan adequately provides for a mixture of land uses including, but not limited to, low cost housing;
      5.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea plan adequately protects fish, wildlife, and recreation resources;
      6.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea plan adequately avoids undue water and air pollution;
      7.   The updated comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that planned community subarea plan ensures that important environmental features are protected;
      8.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea plan adequately protects life and property in areas subject to natural hazards and disasters;
      9.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that planned community subarea plan encourages the protection of prime agricultural, forestry, and mining lands for production of food, fiber, and minerals;
      10.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that planned community subarea plan ensures that the land development is consistent with the physical characteristics of the land;
      11.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea plan adequately addresses urban public services;
      12.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that planned community subarea plan ensures that adequate transportation facilities and services are provided for the planned community subarea;
      13.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea plan adequately addresses the needs of the regional transportation network;
      14.   Growth in the proposed planned community subarea will not adversely impact existing regional conditions; and
      15.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that planned community subarea plan contains the comprehensive plan components required by subsection 8-8-7D of this chapter.
      16.   The implementation plan complies with the applicable comprehensive plan;
      17.   The implementation plan demonstrates that urban public services will be provided to the planned community;
      18.   The implementation plan demonstrates that the phasing of the planned community will maintain the integrity of the planned community at the end of each phase;
      19.   The implementation plan financing plan demonstrates financial feasibility through planned community build out;
      20.   The implementation plan demonstrates that the long term operations and maintenance associated with urban public services will be adequately funded;
      21.   The implementation plan adequately mitigates for any identified impacts to natural resources and wildlife;
      22.   The implementation plan demonstrates that the planned community effectively implements the required standards as found in section 8-8-5 of this chapter; and
      23.   The implementation plan provides for design themes consistent with the community design goal(s) of the planned community subarea comprehensive plan. (Ord. 738, 2-23-2010)