A.   Purpose: To analyze the existing conditions of the site and regional impacts from the proposed development to determine the appropriateness of the location and the feasibility of the development's success; to plan for and ensure the availability of urban public services; to create a planned community subarea comprehensive plan specific to the subarea.
   B.   Process: All requests for the creation of a planned community subarea comprehensive plan shall comply with the following:
      1.   Public Services Scoping Session(s): Prior to application submission a scoping work session shall be held with Ada County development services and may include affected public service providers and regulatory agencies, including, but not limited to, Idaho department of environmental quality, Idaho department of water resources, Central district health department, the army corps of engineers, and military officials if the planned community is within the AMI;
      2.   Transportation Scoping Session(s): Prior to application submission a scoping work session shall be held with Ada County development services and may include affected transportation agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County highway district, Idaho transportation department, Community Planning Association Of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS), and Valley Regional Transit (VRT);
      3.   Public Involvement:
         a.   Purpose: The purpose of the public involvement sessions is to provide interested members of the public the opportunity to be involved in the review of the proposed planned community subarea comprehensive plan prior to concept finalization.
         b.   Process: Prior to application submission the applicant shall hold a minimum of two (2) public involvement sessions. The director or his designee, all cities in Ada County, counties with borders contiguous to the proposed planned community, all registered neighborhood associations in Ada County, and all property owners within one mile of the proposed planned community subarea comprehensive plan boundaries, shall be invited to each meeting via mailed notices. Property owners may be invited using alternative forms of notice in compliance with subsection 8-7A-5D of this title. In addition, the applicant shall publish a notice of the time and place of the sessions in the official newspaper of general circulation in the county.
            (1)   Planning Type Process: The public involvement sessions shall be a facilitated planning type process where interested parties and the developer can work collaboratively with each other in reviewing the proposed planned community subarea comprehensive plan concepts.
            (2)   Location: The meeting shall be held at one of the following locations:
               (A)   On the subject property;
               (B)   At a nearby available public meeting place including, but not limited to, fire station, library or community center; or
               (C)   At an office space with suitable meeting facilities.
            (3)   Verification: The application materials shall include a written verification that the public involvement sessions took place.
      4.   Application Types: A comprehensive plan text amendment and zoning ordinance map amendment shall be submitted as described below and in section 8-7-3 of this title;
      5.   Transmittals: In addition to transmittal requirements identified in section 8-7A-4 of this title, a complete copy of the application shall be provided by Ada County to the providers of the urban public services for the area covered by the planned community subarea comprehensive plan.
   C.   Application Requirements: The applicant shall submit the following analyses, reports and reviews supporting the proposed planned community subarea comprehensive plan goals and policies:
      1.   Population: A population analysis of pertinent historical and future trends of the Boise metropolitan area and Ada County as context for the proposed planned community, including such characteristics as total population, household population, household size, household income, age, and gender. The analysis shall include at a minimum:
         a.   A written assessment of population and household demographic trends in the Boise metropolitan area and Ada County as a determinant of planned community design;
         b.   A written assessment of population and household growth projections in the Boise metropolitan area and Ada County including consideration of established regional or state projections utilized for public planning purposes; and
         c.   A written assessment demonstrating the adequacy of the location and proposed land uses of the planned community in accommodating demonstrated population household and demographic growth trends in the Boise metropolitan area and Ada County.
      2.   School Facilities And Transportation: An analysis of public school capacity and associated transportation considerations for the proposed planned community. The analysis shall be developed in coordination with the applicable school district(s) and shall include at a minimum:
         a.   A map depicting existing school facilities within one mile of the planned community boundary, including any school district boundary lines;
         b.   A determination of the specific school district(s) that will provide public education services to planned community residents;
         c.   A written assessment describing potential school enrollment generated by the planned community including detail of elementary, middle and high school enrollment consistent with enrollment projection standards of the affected school district(s);
         d.   A written assessment describing public school facility needs, if any, within the planned community as a result of anticipated enrollment generated by the planned community consistent with capital facilities planning standards of the affected school district; and
         e.   A written assessment describing public school student transportation needs, if any, from the planned community to school facilities off site consistent with student transportation standards of the affected school district(s), the public school capacity and transportation.
      3.   Economic Development: An analysis of the economic base of the area, including, employment, industries, economies, jobs, and income levels. The analysis shall include at a minimum:
         a.   A written assessment demonstrating that the planned community is reasonably supported by economic and market conditions in Ada County and the Boise metropolitan area. This assessment shall include conceptual information about the following:
            (1)   Projected dwelling unit counts, build out/absorption and occupancy in the context of regional growth trends, identified demographic trends and competing development;
            (2)   Likely residential product types and price ranges in current dollars suitable for development within the planned community as a function of planned community location and physical features, anticipated market conditions, and likely demographics as identified in the population section of the planned community comprehensive plan;
            (3)   Planned commercial buildings/gross space, if any, and anticipated build out/absorption in the context of regional growth trends, residential development at the planned community, and locational features including transportation and access; and
            (4)   Planned industrial building/gross space, if any, and anticipated build out/absorption in the context of regional growth trends, industrial land utilizing industry trends, and proximate infrastructure.
         b.   A written assessment of current dollar costs associated with both private and public infrastructure and facility improvements required to provide urban public services to the site broken out into private and public categories. This assessment shall include an analysis of unique conditions of the site consistent with the natural resources inventory required by subsection C5a of this section, which may contribute to an increased cost in providing urban public facilities and urban public services.
      4.   Land Use: An analysis of natural land types, existing land covers and uses, and the intrinsic suitability of lands for uses such as agriculture, forestry, mineral exploration and extraction, preservation, recreations, housing, commerce, industry, and public facilities. Proposed general land uses shall be developed consistent with the natural resource and wildlife inventory analysis as required by subsection C5 of this section. The analysis shall include at a minimum:
         a.   A map depicting existing land uses and zoning within one mile of the proposed planned community boundary (including interior boundaries, if any);
         b.   A written assessment describing the general categories of existing land uses and zoning within one mile of the proposed planned community boundary (including interior boundaries, if any);
         c.   A map depicting proposed general land uses and densities within the proposed planned community and within one mile of the proposed planned community boundary (including interior boundaries, if any), including intensity of nonresidential uses, and developed and natural open space. Land uses and densities outside of the planned community boundary shall be based on the future land use designations of the applicable comprehensive plan; and
         d.   A written assessment describing the general categories of proposed land uses within the proposed planned community and within one mile of the proposed planned community boundary (including interior boundaries, if any) including conceptual intensity of nonresidential uses, net density and potential impacts to adjacent properties as a result of the proposed land uses.
      5.   Natural Resources And Wildlife Inventory: An analysis including the uses of rivers and other waters, forests, range, soils, harbors, fisheries, minerals, thermal water, beaches, watersheds, and shorelines, and an analysis of existing wildlife and habitat conditions. The analyses shall include at a minimum:
         a.   Natural Resources Inventory:
            (1)   A map depicting, and a written assessment of, the following: topography; wetlands; soils from the most recent soil survey information; prime agricultural land; mineral resources; and rivers and other bodies of water; and
            (2)   A written assessment of the effect the planned community will have on the source, quantity and quality of ground and surface water in the area.
         b.   Wildlife Habitat Inventory:
            (1)   Aerial photography of sufficient quality and scale to show land unit boundaries, geological features, vegetation types, creeks, riparian areas and wetlands, roads, trails and other landscape features;
            (2)   A map prepared in consultation with Idaho department of fish and game, generally depicting and a written assessment (including methodologies used) of the following:
               (A)   Site resources including vegetation/habitat types (including noxious weeds), and wildlife;
               (B)   Existing vegetation condition based on ecological site descriptions (ESD) from the latest version of the "Indicators Of Rangeland Health";
               (C)   Special status species and threatened and endangered species based on Idaho fish and game conservation data, and United States department of interior, fish and wildlife service information;
               (D)   Both current and potential use of big game winter range, and where appropriate pronghorn antelope, based upon Idaho department of fish and game (IDF&G) data. Site specific surveys may be used to supplement IDF&G data;
               (E)   Structure and function of existing wildlife habitats, including connectivity, habitat fragmentation, and wildlife corridors;
               (F)   Priority habitat based upon the Idaho comprehensive wildlife conservation strategy, except, if a planned community is planned adjacent to or in the vicinity of bureau of land management and/or United States forest service managed federal lands, the species lists shall be cross referenced with the respective agency lists; and
               (G)   Existing human disturbance to wildlife and habitat as a result of livestock, transportation, recreation, agriculture and development within a minimum of one mile of the planned community boundary.
      6.   Hazardous Areas: An analysis of known hazards as may result from susceptibility to surface ruptures from faulting, ground shaking, ground failure, landslides or mudslides; avalanche hazards resulting from development in the known or probable path of snow slides and avalanches, floodplain and wildfire hazards. The analysis shall include at a minimum a map and written assessment of known hazards.
      7.   Urban Public Services And Urban Public Facilities: An analysis showing general plans for urban public services and urban public facilities. The plan may also show locations of civic centers and public buildings. The plan shall be developed in coordination with the affected public service providers and regulatory agencies. The plan shall include, at a minimum:
         a.   A map depicting existing urban public services and urban public facilities within one mile of the proposed planned community boundary;
         b.   A written assessment of existing urban public services and urban public facilities within one mile of the proposed planned community boundary, including availability and adequacy to serve the proposed land uses and population, and a description of the impacts to existing levels of service as a result of such utilization;
         c.   A map depicting proposed urban public services and urban public facilities projected to serve the proposed land uses and population including conceptual location, distribution, extent and intensity of such, including major system components and any projected additions and/or extensions to existing urban public services and urban public facilities;
         d.   A written assessment of proposed urban public services and urban public facilities including availability and adequacy to serve the proposed land uses and population, the projected location, distribution, extent and intensity of such, including major system components and any projected additions, extensions and improvements to existing urban public services and urban public facilities;
         e.   A written assessment of water rights detailing the applicability and availability of such, including a description of any applications and/or permits that are required by the Idaho department of water resources; and
         f.   A determination of reasonable access, per Idaho department of environmental quality (IDEQ) policy, issued by IDEQ.
      8.   Transportation: An analysis of impacts to the regional transportation system resulting from the proposed land uses and population prepared in coordination with, as applicable, the Idaho transportation department, Ada County highway district, Community Planning Association Of Southwest Idaho, Valley Regional Transit, and any other local jurisdiction(s) having authority over the public highways and streets materially affected by the planned community. The traffic impact study shall be submitted to ITD and ACHD thirty (30) days prior to submission of the planned community subarea comprehensive plan application to the director.
      9.   Recreation: An analysis showing the existing system of recreation and natural and developed open space areas, including parks, parkways, trailways, riverbank greenbelts, beaches, playgrounds, and other recreation areas and programs within one mile of the boundaries of the proposed planned community subarea comprehensive plan area. The analysis shall include at a minimum:
         a.   A map depicting existing public recreation, open space areas, parks and trails;
         b.   A written assessment of existing public recreation, open space areas, parks, trails and programs;
         c.   A map of proposed conceptual, natural and developed open space, or a reference to the land use section of the planned community comprehensive plan; and
         d.   A written assessment of proposed conceptual natural and developed open space and programs, or a reference to the land use section of the planned community comprehensive plan.
      10.   Special Areas Or Sites: An analysis of areas, sites, or structures of historical, archeological, architectural, ecological, wildlife, or scenic significance. The analysis shall include at a minimum a written assessment of those sites and areas of significance.
      11.   Housing: An analysis of housing conditions and needs; plans for improvement of housing standards; and plans for the provision of safe, sanitary, and adequate housing, including the provision for affordable and low cost conventional housing. The analysis shall be developed in accordance with subsection C1 of this section and shall include at a minimum a written assessment including:
         a.   Housing conditions and needs within the region;
         b.   Housing options, including single-family, multi-family, condominiums, apartments, live/work, mixed use units and affordable and low cost conventional housing; and
         c.   A discussion of how the planned community will provide for the housing needs of the projected population, as identified in subsection C1 of this section.
      12.   Community Design: A clear description of the vision of the desired future state of the planned community that provides direction for strategic planning. A general description of the regulations that will be created and utilized for the control of landscaping, building design, tree planting, signs, and suggested patterns and standards of community design, development and beautification. The analysis shall be developed in consideration of the vision of the planned community comprehensive plan and shall include at a minimum:
         a.   A written assessment of the above referenced items; and
         b.   Illustrative examples of the proposed vision for the community.
   D.   Required Planned Community Subarea Comprehensive Plan Goals And Policies: The planned community subarea comprehensive plan text amendment application shall include a proposed planned community subarea comprehensive plan to be used to guide future development taking into account the vision of the proposed planned community and the analysis, reports, and reviews required in subsection C of this section. The planned community subarea comprehensive plan goals and policies should include, at a minimum, the following elements:
      1.   Population: Goals and policies addressing population, including at a minimum the desired density for the planned community by subset generally and overall including a minimum net density goal of 3.0 residential dwelling units per acre.
      2.   School Facilities And Transportation: Goals and policies describing how public school capacity and associated transportation considerations for the proposed planned community will be addressed including at a minimum:
         a.   Ensure that school facilities are safe and accessible by automobile, transit, walking and bicycling, and require minimal need for school operated busing; and
         b.   Ensure that schools are sited to be complementary to and compatible with surrounding neighborhoods to avoid conflicts with incompatible land uses and/or adverse conditions.
      3.   Economic Development: Goals and policies addressing economic development within the proposed planned community including at a minimum:
         a.   The planned community will provide for a variety of ownership and rental residential units suitable for Ada County population and work force growth;
         b.   The planned community should provide commercial services and dedicated employment use areas on site, unless designed around an existing commercial or employment center, to measurably reduce planned community resident vehicle miles traveled; and
         c.   The planned community shall develop in an economically sustainable and financially self-supporting manner.
      4.   Land Use: Goals and policies addressing land use that are consistent with the vision for the planned community.
      5.   Natural Resources: Goals and policies including the following that at a minimum:
         a.   Protect wildlife habitat by avoiding fragmentation of habitat corridors;
         b.   Protect water quality;
         c.   Protect development from flood hazards;
         d.   Preserve existing healthy trees and rare plants;
         e.   Preserve existing prime farmland, riparian areas and wetlands;
         f.   Minimize development on areas subject to the regulations of the hillside overlay district; and
         g.   Provide an accessible system of greenways and trails.
      6.   Hazardous Areas: Goals and policies for identifying and avoiding development in hazardous areas.
      7.   Urban Public Services: Goals and policies guiding development in such a way as to provide urban public services and facilities in self-supporting units, and including the following that at a minimum:
         a.   Ensure utility systems are adequate and meet the needs of the residents and businesses;
         b.   Minimize energy consumption and water demands through conservation methods;
         c.   Ensure environmentally sound management of services; and
         d.   Meet the required urban service level standards, with, or without, a transition plan.
      8.   Transportation: Goals and policies regarding transportation, including the following that at a minimum:
         a.   Ensure ongoing coordination with ITD, ACHD, COMPASS and VRT;
         b.   Establish context sensitive street cross sections that safely convey existing and projected traffic;
         c.   Develop and adopt a menu of traffic calming provisions; and
         d.   Ensure consistency with any adopted regional or local transportation plans, including pedestrian, bicycle transit, corridor plans, and communities in motion.
      9.   Recreation: Goals and policies addressing recreation including at a minimum consistency with any adopted regional or local plans.
      10.   Special Areas Or Sites: Goals and policies for protecting areas, sites, or structures of historical, archeological, architectural, ecological, wildlife, or scenic significance.
      11.   Housing: Goals and policies supporting a variety of housing.
      12.   Community Design: Goals and policies outlining the vision for community design including at a minimum:
         a.   Pedestrian focused design elements such as continuous sidewalks or equivalent provisions for walking and orienting the principal functional entry of each building on a front facade that faces a public space such as a street, square, park, paseo, or plaza;
         b.   A goal for providing two (2) or more community gathering areas sized to meet the needs of the planned community residents;
         c.   A goal of path and trail linkages between all neighborhoods, developed open space, schools, neighborhood shops/services, transit facilities, and alternate modes of transportation and, where applicable, connectivity with nearby public trails and public lands.
   E.   Required Findings: In order to amend the Ada County comprehensive plan to allow a planned community subarea comprehensive plan the board of Ada County commissioners must make all of the following findings:
      1.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan adequately addresses the future housing needs of the Boise metropolitan area and Ada County population growth;
      2.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan adequately addresses the educational needs of the proposed population;
      3.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan is reasonably supported by economic and market conditions in Ada County and the Boise metropolitan area;
      4.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan adequately provides for a mixture of land uses including, but not limited to, low cost housing;
      5.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan adequately protects fish, wildlife, and recreation resources;
      6.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan adequately avoids undue water and air pollution;
      7.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan ensures that important environmental features are protected;
      8.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan adequately protects life and property in areas subject to natural hazards and disasters;
      9.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan encourages the protection of prime agricultural, forestry, and mining lands for production of food, fiber, and minerals;
      10.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan ensures that the development is consistent with the physical characteristics of the land;
      11.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan adequately addresses urban public services;
      12.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan ensures that adequate transportation facilities and services are provided for the proposed planned community subarea;
      13.   The comprehensive plan text amendment demonstrates that the planned community subarea comprehensive plan adequately addresses the needs of the regional transportation network;
      14.   Growth in the proposed planned community subarea will not adversely impact existing regional conditions; and
      15.   The planned community subarea comprehensive plan text amendment contains the comprehensive plan components required by subsection D of this section. (Ord. 738, 2-23-2010; amd. Ord. 812, 8-14-2013)