The master site plan shall meet the applicable design and dimensional standards of chapters 2, 3, and 5 of this title. The site development (as depicted by the master site plan) shall also meet the following standards, as applicable:
   A.   Location Of Structures On The Site:
      1.   Within a commercial base district, the proposed placement of structures, location of parking areas and pedestrian walkways, method of screening, and public entrances shall facilitate pedestrian access to abutting residential properties.
      2.   Multi-family structures shall have varied setbacks within the same structure and staggered and/or reversed unit plans to provide a more varied outward appearance of the structures.
      3.   Structures within a multi-family development shall be rotated, staggered, and/or reversed to vary the outward appearance of the structures.
   B.   Nonvehicular Access And Internal Circulation:
      1.   Within a commercial base district, structures shall have at least one pedestrian access on each side of the structure that faces a street.
      2.   For proposed uses that require ten (10) or more parking spaces (as set forth in section 8-4G-6 of this chapter), site development shall provide safe and well defined pedestrian walkways from structures to each parking space, from structures to the abutting streets, and among structures on the same site.
         a.   Where a walkway is within ten feet (10') of a street, it shall be separated from the street shoulder by either curbs, intervening vegetation, and/or swales.
      b.   Where a walkway is within a parking area and abuts driving aisles or parking spaces, the walkway shall be separated by either curbs, intervening vegetation, and/or wheel restraints. Where a walkway crosses a driving aisle, the crossing shall have a different paving texture and/or material or shall be striped to indicate a pedestrian crossing.
      3.   In planned unit developments and multi-family developments, the site development shall provide a safe nonvehicular circulation system including, but not limited to:
         a.   Pedestrian and bicycle walkways that link abutting parks, schools, neighborhoods, and commercial areas to the greatest possible extent; and
         b.   Trails and bicycle routes that link to abutting trail networks as designated by the APA ridge to rivers pathways plan or the applicable comprehensive plan.
   C.   Automobile Access And Internal Circulation:
      1.   The site development shall provide for safe access to and egress from roadways.
      2.   Off street parking and loading areas shall be designed to preclude vehicles from backing out into a roadway.
      3.   Where delivery vehicles are anticipated, the site development shall delineate a clear route for them, with appropriate geometric design to allow the vehicles to turn safely.
      4.   The site development shall provide adequate internal circulation consistent with article G, "Off Street Parking And Loading Facilities", of this chapter.
      5.   The site development shall provide an adequate design and number of parking spaces consistent with article G, "Off Street Parking And Loading Facilities", of this chapter.
   D.   Natural Features Analysis: The following features shall be mapped, described, or noted as not applicable in the natural features analysis:
      1.   Hydrology: Analysis of natural drainage patterns and water resources including an analysis of streams, natural drainage swales, ponds or lakes, wetlands, floodplain areas or other areas subject to flooding, poorly drained areas, permanent high ground water areas, and seasonal high ground water areas throughout the site.
      2.   Soils: Analysis of types of soils present in the site area including delineation of prime agricultural soil areas, aquifer recharge soil areas, unstable soils most susceptible to erosion, and soils suitable for development. The analysis of soils shall be based on the Ada County soils survey (United States department of agriculture, natural resources conservation service).
      3.   Topography: Analysis of the site's terrain including mapping of elevations and delineation of slope areas greater than twenty five percent (25%), between fifteen percent (15%) and twenty five percent (25%), between eight percent (8%) and fifteen percent (15%), and less than eight percent (8%). Contour lines based on USGS datum of 1988 with intervals of not more than five feet (5') for properties with a general slope of greater than five percent (5%), or intervals of not more than two feet (2') for properties with a general slope of less than or equal to five percent (5%). Contour lines shall extend a minimum of three hundred feet (300') beyond the proposed development boundary. If a drainage channel borders the proposed development, the contour lines shall extend the additional distance necessary to include the entire drainage facility.
      4.   Vegetation: Analysis of existing vegetation of the site including, but not limited to, dominant tree, plant, and ground cover species.
      5.   Sensitive Plant And Wildlife Species: Analysis of sensitive plant and wildlife species of the site including, but not limited to, those species listed in the Idaho conservation data center (state of Idaho department of fish and game).
      6.   Historic Resources: Analysis of existing historic resources as identified on the Ada County historic resources inventory.
      7.   Hazardous Areas: Location and identification of all potential hazardous areas including, but not limited to, land that is unsuitable for development because of flood threat, poorly drained areas, high ground water, steep slopes, rock formation, buried pipelines, or other similar conditions likely to be encountered.
      8.   Impact On Natural Features: The applicant shall provide a written statement explaining how the design of the plan protects or mitigates impacts on the natural features of the site.
   E.   Screening: The site development shall provide landscaping and screening consistent with article F of this chapter, landscaping, unless otherwise exempt under section 8-4F-2 of this chapter.
   F.   Drainage: An increase in impervious surface area of one thousand (1,000) square feet or ten percent (10%) of the property area, whichever is less, shall require a drainage study. Site development shall incorporate natural watercourses and above grade drainageways into the site design to minimize the need for culverts, pipe systems, and concrete channels.
   G.   Water Supply And Sewage Disposal:
      1.   Adequate provision shall be made for water supply and sewage disposal in accord with the regulations of section 8-4A-22 of this chapter.
      2.   The master site plan shall show all well locations and subsurface disposal areas for wastewater treatment systems.
      3.   The master site plan shall address required firefighting resources. Such resources shall include, but are not limited to, proper access for firetrucks, water for fire flow, and/or defensible space.
   H.   Filling, Excavation, And Earthmoving: Filling, excavation, and earthmoving activity shall be carried out in a way that keeps erosion and sedimentation to a minimum.
      1.   Building design, parking lots, and other site development elements shall fit, respect, and be oriented to existing topography and natural surroundings to the fullest extent possible in order to keep filling, excavation, and earthmoving activity to a minimum.
      2.   The area disturbed by stripping of vegetation, soil removal, and regrading shall be kept to a minimum.
      3.   The master site plan shall propose permanent soil erosion measures for all slopes and disturbed areas. Such stabilization measures shall be completed within fifteen (15) calendar days after final grading has been completed.
      4.   Until a disturbed area is stabilized, sediment and runoff shall be trapped by the use of debris basins, sediment basins, silt traps, or other acceptable methods.
   I.   Historic Features: The proposed site development shall conserve identified historic resources to the greatest extent possible.
   J.   Sensitive Plant And Animal Species: The site development shall minimize adverse impacts to sensitive plant and animal species through site design or approved mitigation programs. See subsection D5 of this section.
   K.   Irrigation: All development proposals shall provide documentation preserving gravity flow irrigation systems on site and downstream.
      1.   The proposed development shall not modify irrigation canals, ditches, laterals, and associated rights of way without written approval of the irrigation or drainage authority and landowners affected.
      2.   When property is converted from an agricultural to a nonagricultural use, the applicant or owner shall provide a pressurized irrigation system or similarly efficient delivery system.
   L.   Utilities: Electrical, telephone, and other public utilities serving the site shall be placed in a manner that is not hazardous or unsightly 1 .
      1.   All utilities shall be placed underground in a utility corridor or easement. The director may waive this requirement if unique topographic or geological features of the site make it impractical.
      2.   Transformer boxes, meters, pumping stations, and other components of the utility system located aboveground shall be sited and buffered in accord with the screening standards of section 8-4F-5 of this chapter.
   M.   Maintenance:
      1.   The applicant or owner shall have a continuous obligation to provide for security, trash collection, and any other nuisance that may be created on the site, and to maintain the site in a neat and orderly manner.
      2.   Any proposed drainage system shall be maintained by the property owner, homeowners' association, or irrigation or drainage entity, as applicable.
   N.   Supplemental Information, Modifications: The director, county engineer, and/or decision making body may require supplemental information or modifications where, in its opinion, site planning has not sufficiently addressed the existing natural features.
   O.   Alternative Site Development: The director may approve, or recommend approval of, an alternative site development when the overall design, as proposed by the applicant, meets or exceeds the intent and the requirements of this article and shall not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. (Ord. 389, 6-14-2000; amd. Ord. 490, 4-9-2003; amd. Ord. 715, 12-3-2008; amd. Ord. 763, 10-13-2010; amd. Ord. 902, 10-2-2019)



1. See section 8-5-3-83 of this title for power plants and other power generating facilities.