This section defines the review and approval process for the development of the Avimor Planned Community in accordance with the provisions of the Avimor Specific Plan and the Ada County zoning ordinance.
It shall be the duty of the Director to administer the provisions of this article for the development of the Avimor Planned Community. The Director shall interpret the provisions of this article and make decisions on land use issues not specifically addressed by the Avimor Specific Plan or this article.
The Director, Commission, and/or Board, as the case may be, shall base their approvals or disapprovals upon compliance with the provisions of this article and the goals and policies and purpose and intent of the Avimor Specific Plan.
   A.   Avimor Specific Plan Compliance: All development within the Avimor Planned Community shall conform to the Avimor Specific Plan as it may be amended from time to time.
      1.   Each phase of the development that is compliant with the Avimor Specific Plan shall be subject only to the applicable preliminary and final plat subdivision regulations of this article.
      2.   Modifications of the Avimor Specific Plan may be submitted, reviewed and approved concurrently with a subdivision preliminary plat.
   B.   Overlay Districts: Development proposals within the Avimor Planned Community shall be subject to and shall comply with the requirements of applicable overlay districts.
   C.   Land Divisions: The subdivision of land, or the adjustment of parcels within the Avimor Planned Community, shall conform to the Avimor Specific Plan and the applicable procedures and specifications of the Ada County zoning ordinance, except that the provisions of subsection 8-6A-1D of this title shall not apply to subdivision platting in Avimor; provided, however, that no neighborhood meetings shall be required for a subdivision application unless the preliminary plat proposes a modification of the Avimor Specific Plan as may be amended from time to time.
   D.   Development Permits: Development applications shall be reviewed and development permits shall be issued pursuant to the applicable procedures and specifications of this Code subject to the modifications set forth herein. Development permits shall not be issued prior to the approval of a subdivision application for a phase or portion of a phase. No development permits shall be issued for any use until such time as the applicant has provided to the County a letter of approval issued by the Avimor Design Review Committee evidencing the determination of the Avimor Design Review Committee that the use and application comply with the design standards for the Avimor Planned Community. The development permits shall be reviewed and issued as follows:
      1.   Master Site Plan: Master site plan approval shall be required pursuant to the procedures of chapter 4, article E of this title regarding master site plan approval for all uses except as modified herein.
         a.   Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 8-4E-2B and C of this title, all land uses within the Avimor Planned Community shall obtain master site plan approval except for those designated as residential uses on the land use table, community events, and food vehicle/trailer concessions which have a separate approval process outlined in subsections D5 and D6, respectively of this section.
         b.   The Director shall apply those standards set forth in section 8-4E-4 of this title, to the extent that those standards do not conflict with the provisions of the land use design and development standards matrix. For purposes of master site plan approval, compliance with this article and the Avimor Specific Plan shall constitute compliance with subsections 8-4E-4D, G, I, and K of this title and an applicant for master site plan approval shall not be required to comply with the standards set forth in those subsections.
         c.   In the event of any conflict between the standards set forth in section 8-4E-4 of this title and the land use design and development standards matrix, the land use design and development standards matrix shall control.
         d.   In order to approve an application for master site plan approval, the Director shall make the following findings:
            (1)   The master site plan complies with this article, the Ada County zoning ordinance and is in accordance with the Avimor Specific Plan;
            (2)   The proposed landscaping meets the requirements of chapter 4, article F of this title;
            (3)   The proposed parking and loading spaces meet the requirements of chapter 4, article G of this title;
            (4)   The proposed lighting plan meets the requirements of chapter 4, article H of this title; and
            (5)   The proposed master site plan complies with the land use design and development standards matrix.
      2.   Zoning Certificate: A zoning certificate shall be required for all uses and shall be issued in conformance with the requirements of the Ada County zoning ordinance.
      3.   Building Permit: Building permits shall be issued in accordance with title 7, chapter 2 of this Code, or the same may be amended or retitled from time to time, for all uses as applicable. When a single-family dwelling has a garage or private living quarters that is semi-detached only, one (1) building permit is required for both the single-family dwelling and the semi-detached garage or private living quarters.
      4.   Grading Permits: Grading permits shall be issued in accordance with title 7, chapter 2 of this Code, or as the same may be amended or retitled from time to time and/or the Ada County zoning ordinance as applicable.
      5.   Community Events: For events that: a) are open to the public and/or persons who are not residents of Avimor and b) have an expected attendance of three hundred (300) people or more, Avimor must adhere to the following procedure:
         a.   Notify Avimor residents of the upcoming event by posting a notice in the community center and sending an electronic notice via e-mail or website portal indicating the date, time, and nature of the event. The notice will be given at least ten (10) days before the event, but not more than twenty five (25) days before the event.
         b.   At least ten (10) days prior to the event, Avimor will submit to Ada County Development Services letters from the Eagle Fire Protection District, Ada County Sheriff's Office, Central District Health Department, and the Ada County Highway District setting forth their respective approval of the event.
         c.   Apply for and obtain a zoning certificate after submittal of the approval letters specified in subsection D5b of this section.
For all smaller events, even those open to the public or nonresidents, no approval is required.
      6.   Food Vehicle/Trailer Concessions: Except as outlined in subsection D6d of this section, prior to any operation, a zoning certificate shall be obtained from Ada County Development Services. When applying for the zoning certificate, the following shall be submitted to the Ada County Development Services' Office:
         a.   Complete Ada County Development Services application form;
         b.   Copy of Central District Health Department current mobile food establishment license; and
         c.   Scaled site plan showing all property lines, location of food vehicle/trailer concessions, suitable off-street parking, and ADA accessibility.
         d.   For all food vehicle/trailer concessions that are part of an Avimor community event, a zoning certificate from Ada County Development Services is not required; however approval from the Central District Health Department is still required. (Ord. 739, 2-10-2010; amd. Ord. 832, 11-17-2014; amd. Ord. 860, 1-31-2017)