A.   General Use Standards:
      1.   No more than twenty percent (20%) of the total area of the planned unit development shall be designated for uses not otherwise permitted in the base district.
      2.   The uses within the planned unit development are interconnected through a system of roadways and/or pathways as appropriate.
   B.   Residential Density Standards:
      1.   The allowable density for residential uses shall be the density established by the applicable comprehensive plan. Where the applicable comprehensive plan does not indicate an urban density for development, the minimum density shall be three (3) dwelling units per acre. Higher densities may be allowed in accord with the bonus provisions contained in this subsection B.
      2.   An increase in the average residential density may be allowed by incorporating dedicated open space or public use dedications into the planned unit development. All dedications shall be shown on the master site plan.
         a.   Additional Open Space Dedication: For each full additional percentage point of property in dedicated open space above the minimum requirements, the average residential density may be increased by the same percentage. In no event shall the maximum density for residential areas exceed an additional twenty five percent (25%) over the base density.
         b.   Public Amenity Dedications: A density bonus may be approved for dedications of facilities or interests in real property for public amenities. The maximum density bonus shall be as set forth in table 8-3D-1 of this section. See subsection 8-3D-5G of this article regarding required findings for mandatory dedication of facilities.
         c.   Public Amenity Defined: For the purposes of this article, the term "public amenity" shall include, but not be limited to, the following: school site, bike path, transit facility, park site, park and ride lot, and public safety facility such as police, fire, or emergency medical facilities.
Area Of Land Designated As Public Use Facility Dedication As Percent Of Total Project Area
Maximum Density Bonus
15 percent
5 percent
20 percent
10 percent
25 percent
15 percent
   C.   Dedicated Open Space Uses: Dedicated open space uses shall comply with the regulations of chapter 4, article J of this title.
   D.   Commercial Uses: The following design standards shall apply to any proposed commercial uses within a planned unit development:
      1.   Joint parking facilities shall be planned to use common access points to public streets.
      2.   Screening shall be provided on the perimeter of commercial uses abutting the residential areas as provided in section 8-4F-6 of this title.
      3.   Commercial uses not allowed as a principal permitted or conditional use in the base district:
         a.   Shall be designed to share common design themes in landscaping, signs, architecture, and building bulk with other uses within the planned unit development; and
         b.   Shall not exceed a gross floor area of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
   E.   Industrial Uses: The following design standards shall apply to any proposed industrial uses within a PUD:
      1.   Landscaping shall be provided as required in section 8-4F-7 of this title for parking areas, loading areas, and outdoor storage areas of industrial materials.
      2.   Screening shall be provided on the perimeter of industrial uses abutting the residential areas as provided in section 8-4F-6 of this title.
      3.   Structure location shall be designed to promote efficient installation of utilities.
      4.   Industrial uses not allowed as a principal permitted or conditional use in the base district:
         a.   Shall be designed to share common design themes in landscaping, signage, architecture, and building bulk with other uses within the planned unit development; and
         b.   Shall not exceed a gross floor area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
   F.   Improvements:
      1.   Improvements, consistent with the standards established in the area or as designated in any officially adopted comprehensive plan or component thereof, shall be required as a condition of approval of a planned unit development.
      2.   In the event any improvements required as part of the planned unit development cannot be completed prior to submission of a final plat and/or signing of the master site plan, the applicant or owner shall deposit a surety as set forth in chapter 4, article K of this title.
   G.   Deviations: As part of the original application, the applicant may request, in writing, a deviation from the dimensional standards of this title. Where applicable, the proposed deviations shall be noted on the master site plan.
   H.   Alternative Development Standards: The director may approve, or recommend approval of, alternative development standards when the overall design, as proposed by the applicant, meets or exceeds the intent and the requirements of this article and shall not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. (Ord. 389, 6-14-2000; amd. Ord. 738, 2-23-2010)