A.   The arrangement of uses and/or structures conforms to the topography and natural landscape features;
   B.   The arrangement of uses and/or structures in the development shall not cause damage, hazard, or nuisance to persons or property in the vicinity;
   C.   The internal street system is designed for the efficient and safe flow of vehicles and pedestrians without having a disruptive influence upon the activities and functions contained within the development, nor place an undue burden upon existing transportation and other public services in the surrounding area;
   D.   Community facilities, such as a park, recreational, and dedicated open space areas are functionally related and accessible to all dwelling units via pedestrian and/or bicycle pathways. Dedicated open space shall abut any lots that have been reduced below the minimum property size and shall abut multi- family development within the planned unit development;
   E.   The proposal complies with the density standards set forth in this article;
   F.   The planned unit development district overlay is in conformance with the applicable comprehensive plan, future acquisition maps, area of city impact ordinance, and other applicable ordinances; and
   G.   Additional required findings for mandatory public use facility dedications:
      1.   The dedication of the public use facility is substantiated by the governing board responsible for the facility;
      2.   The public use facility shall serve the public interest in such location;
      3.   The public use facility is consistent with the applicable comprehensive plan; and
      4.   The area and location of property to be dedicated to the public use facility bears a reasonable relationship to the demand generated by the proposed development. (Ord. 389, 6-14-2000)