6-7-1: Parking In Fire Lane
6-7-2: Fire Lane Defined
6-7-3: Leaving Vehicle In Fire Lane
6-7-4: Enforcement And Penalties
   A.   Short Title: This chapter shall be known and cited as the ADA COUNTY FIRE LANE PARKING ORDINANCE.
   B.   Policy: It shall be the policy of the county that business enterprises which choose to designate fire lane access to their premises, as defined below, shall be provided enforcement action against those persons who park or leave unattended vehicles in designated fire lanes. This action is necessary and desirable to assure that access is available to emergency service providers. (Ord. 235, 3-28-1991)
A "fire lane" shall be an area adjacent to a business on private property which is clearly marked with a red curb with appropriate signs located at each end of the curb or at one hundred foot (100') intervals, whichever is less, and designating the area to be a fire lane. (Ord. 235, 3-28-1991)
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for the registered owner or operator of any vehicle to park or leave it unattended in a designated fire lane. A vehicle shall be deemed unattended if it does not contain a licensed responsible driver who is in control of the vehicle. (Ord. 235, 3-28-1991)
   A.   It shall be the duty of the sheriff of Ada County, or any deputy sheriff, to leave notice at or on the vehicle parked in violation of this chapter. This notice shall bear the date and hour of leaving the same at or upon the vehicle. The notice shall instruct the owner or operator of the vehicle to report to the magistrate's division of the district court in regard to such violation. It shall be the duty of such sheriff or deputy sheriff to leave at or upon such vehicle a separate notice for each hour thereafter that such vehicle remains parked in violation of this chapter. In the event such owner or operator fails to report to the magistrate's division at the time provided in said notice, a warrant for the arrest of said person will be issued. In addition to the penalty assessed by the court for violation of this chapter, the owner or operator of the vehicle shall be liable for any expense incurred by the county involving towing away or otherwise removing said vehicle. The owner or operator of any vehicle shall be liable for any and all other reasonable expenses for storage charged by the company removing said vehicle and causing said vehicle to be stored.
   B.   Violation of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor punishable according to section 18-113, Idaho Code as it may from time to time be amended and/or retitled. Any vehicle found parked in violation of this chapter may be cited and/or removed at the expense of the owner. (Ord. 235, 3-28-1991; amd. Ord. 603, 1-30-2006)