A. The owner of each house and other structure used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, located within the city and abutting on any public way in which there is located the public water supply, so that such public water supply is available to such house or other structure, is hereby required to connect directly with the public water supply system within three (3) months after the date of official notice to do so.
B. No owner or occupant of any house or other structure used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes shall construct, install, operate, or use any private water well for supplying water for human consumption; nor shall any owner or occupant make, cause to be made, or permit any physical connection between the potable portion of the public water supply and the private well.
C. Any person constructing or installing, or causing to be constructed or installed, any well for purposes other than human consumption shall notify the superintendent of public works after the well, pump and other appurtenances are connected but before the well is put into use; and the superintendent of public works shall inspect the well and other appurtenances so to determine that they are neither to be used for human consumption, nor physically connected to the potable portion of the public water supply.
D. No person constructing or installing, or causing to be constructed or installed, any well shall, subsequent to the inspection by the superintendent of public works, alter any part of the well or its appurtenances so to enable it to furnish water for human consumption. (2006 Code § 7-1-12)
E. Each private well which has been constructed, installed, operated, and placed into use prior to May 1, 1981, is hereby exempted from the provisions of this chapter, except for article A of this chapter; provided, however, that the owner or user of such well registered with the office of the city clerk on or before July 1, 1981. Each private well not registered with the city clerk by July 1, 1981, shall not be eligible for said exemption, and the owner, user, or consumer shall be deemed to be in violation of this chapter. (2006 Code § 7-1-13)