Unless specifically provided otherwise herein, the lawful use of any land or building existing on the effective date of this chapter may be continued even if the use does not conform to the regulations of this chapter, provided:
   (A)   No nonconforming use of land shall be enlarged or increased or occupy a greater area of land than that occupied by the use on the effective date of this chapter;
   (B)   The nonconforming use shall not be moved to any other part of the parcel of land upon which the same was conducted on the effective date of this chapter;
   (C)   A nonconforming use of a building existing on the effective date of this chapter may be extended throughout the building, provided no structural alterations except those required by this chapter, law or other regulation are made therein;
   (D)   If a nonconforming use occupies a building and ceases for a continuous period of two years, any subsequent use of the building shall be in conformity to the use regulation specified by this chapter for the district in which the building is located;
   (E)   Any nonconforming use shall not be continued following 60% destruction of the building in which it was conducted by fire, wind, earthquake or explosion, according to the estimate of a qualified Building Inspector and as approved by the Council; and
   (F)   Upon the effective date of this chapter, where there is a nonconforming use of land on a parcel with no structure or where there is a nonconforming use of land (such as storage of equipment and supplies), on which there is a conforming structure, the use shall be terminated within two years following the effective date of this chapter.
(1989 Code, § 11.04)