(A) It is unlawful to park or store any unlicensed, unregistered or inoperable motor vehicle, household furniture, furnishings or appliances, or parts or components thereof, or scrap metal, wood, glass, paper, rubber, concrete or other material, whether organic or inorganic, on private property, unless the accumulation is stored within a lawfully operated junk yard, housed within a lawfully erected building, or in a container permitted and the contents disposed of under other provisions of the city code.
(B) It is unlawful to permit, on premises to which the public has access or may be exposed, any accumulation of food particles or other material causing discomfort to patrons; disrepair of seating, floor covering, plumbing, heating or electrical facilities; or failure to maintain a reasonable standard of cleanliness and absence of noxious odors.
(C) As to any provision of this section which constitutes an unlawful act, and in addition to all of the civil proceedings described in this section, each day that a violation continues or is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense in prosecution of the unlawful act.
(1989 Code, § 10.32, Subd. 2) Penalty, see § 130.99