All board and commission appointments authorized by ordinance or resolution shall be made by the Council. The term of each appointee shall be established and stated at the time of his or her appointment, and terms of present board and commission members may be reestablished and changed so as to give effect to this section. New appointees shall assume office on the first day of the first month following their appointment and qualification, or on the first day of the first month following the expiration of the prior term and qualification, whichever shall occur last; provided, however, that all appointees to board and commissions shall hold office until their successor is appointed and qualified. All vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as for an expired term, but the appointment shall be effective immediately when made and only for the unexpired term. All appointed board and commission members shall serve without remuneration, but may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of their duties when the expenses have been authorized by the Council before they were incurred. The Chairperson and the Secretary shall be chosen from and by the board or commission membership at its first regular meeting in December of each year to serve for the next calendar year. Any board or commission member may be removed by the Council for misfeasance, malfeasance or non-feasance in office and his or her position filled as any other vacancy. Each board and commission shall hold its regular meeting at a time established and approved by the Council. Except as otherwise provided, this section shall apply to all boards and commissions.
(1989 Code, § 2.30)
(A) Establishment and composition. A Library Board composed of seven members, a majority of whom shall be residents of the city, is hereby established. Three members shall hold office for one year, two for two years and two for three years. A Library Board member shall not be eligible to serve more than three consecutive three-year terms. All appointments for a full term shall be made by the Mayor with the approval of the Council, and a member may be removed in the same manner for misconduct or neglect. Appointments to fill vacancies for an unexpired term shall be made by the Council. No more than one Council member shall be a member of the Board. Members shall receive no compensation for their services but may be reimbursed for actual and necessary travel expenses incurred in the discharge of Board duties and activities. This division (A) shall become effective from and after its passage and publication on May 12, 2011.
(B) Duties. The duties of the Board are as follows:
(1) To annually elect from its membership a President, Secretary and any other officers as it deems necessary; adopt rules and regulations for the government of the library and conduct of its business; appoint a qualified Library Director and other staff as necessary, establish compensation of employees and remove them for cause;
(2) To pay into the City Treasury all money received for the library and interest thereon, which shall be credited to the Library Fund and kept separate from the other money of the city, and paid out only upon approval of the Board;
(3) To have exclusive control of library grounds and rooms, the construction of library buildings, and to lease rooms for library use if it finds it to be necessary or desirable; and
(4) To annually report to the Council receipts and their sources, disbursements and for what purposes, the number of library materials on hand, purchased and loaned, and other information it deems advisable; and to file the information with the State Department of Education not later than April 1 of each year.
(C) Title to property. All property given, granted, conveyed, donated, devised or bequeathed to, or otherwise acquired by, the city for a library shall vest in and be held in the name of the city, and any conveyance, grant, donation, devise, bequest or gift made to, or in the name of, the library or Library Board shall be deemed to have been made directly to the city.
(1989 Code, § 2.31) (Ord. 60, 2nd. Ser., passed 5-3-2011)
(A) Establishment and composition. A Recreation Board is hereby established. The Board shall be composed of seven members who shall serve staggered three-year terms.
(B) Duties. The Recreation Board shall have the duty to make recommendations to the Council in all matters relating to city parks and community recreation.
(1989 Code, § 2.32)
(A) Establishment and composition. A Human Rights Liaison is hereby established. The Liaison shall consist of three members to be appointed by the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the Council and shall serve staggered three-year terms. Members of the Liaison shall be appointed with due regard to their fitness for the efficient dispatch of the functions, powers and duties vested in and imposed upon the Liaison. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his or her predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of the term. Upon the expiration of his or her term of office, a member shall continue to serve until his or her successor is appointed and shall have qualified. The members of the Liaison shall serve without compensation and may be removed from office for cause by the Mayor. The City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer shall serve as ex officio member.
(B) Purpose. The purpose of the Liaison is to secure for all citizens equal opportunity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public services and education and full participation in the affairs of the city by assisting the State Department of Human Rights in implementing the State Act Against Discrimination being M.S. §§ 363A.01 et seq., and by advising the city on long-range programs to improve community relations in the city.
(C) Powers and duties. In fulfillment of its purpose, the Liaison’s duties and responsibilities shall be to:
(1) Adopt bylaws and rules for the conduct of its affairs including the election, assumption of duties and definition of responsibilities of officers and committees;
(2) Draft a memorandum of agreement with the State Department of Human Rights for the purpose of determining regulatory and enforcement procedures;
(3) Enlist the cooperation of agencies, organizations and individuals in the city in an active program directed to create equal opportunity and eliminate discrimination and inequalities;
(4) Formulate a human relations program for the city to give increased effectiveness and direction to the work of all individuals and agencies addressing themselves to planning, policy making and educational programming in the area of civil and human rights;
(5) Advise the Mayor, the Council and other agencies of the government on human relations and civil rights problems; and
(6) Act in an advisory capacity with respect to planning or operation of any city department on issues of civil and human rights, and recommend the adoption of any specific policies or actions as are needed to provide for full equal opportunity in the city; and develop in cooperation with the State Department of Human Rights any programs of formal and informal education as will assist in the implementation of the State Act Against Discrimination being M.S. §§ 363A.01 et seq. and provide for the Liaison’s assumption of leadership in recognizing and resolving potential problem areas in the city.
(1989 Code, § 2.34)
The Planning Commission is provided for in § 153.021.
(1989 Code, § 2.35)