(A) If any person shall be aggrieved by any administrative decision of the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer or any other city official, or any Board or Commission not having within its structure an appellate procedure, the aggrieved person is entitled to a full hearing before the Council upon serving a written request therefor upon the Mayor and City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer at least five days prior to any regular Council meeting. The request shall contain a general statement setting forth the administrative decision to be challenged by the appellant.
(B) At the hearing the appellant may present any evidence he or she deems pertinent to the appeal, but the city shall not be required to keep a verbatim record of the proceedings.
(C) The Mayor, or other officer presiding at the hearing, may, in the interest of justice or to comply with time requirements and on his or her own motion or the motion of the appellant, the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer or a member of the Council, adjourn the hearing to a more convenient time or place, but the time or place shall be fixed and determined before adjournment so as to avoid the necessity for formal notice of reconvening.
(1989 Code, § 2.06)
(A) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
CITY. The City of Aurora, County of St. Louis, State of Minnesota.
GENERAL ELECTION. An election held at regular intervals on a day determined by law or charter at which the voters of the state or any of its subdivisions choose by ballot public officials or presidential electors.
SPECIAL ELECTION. An election held at any time to fill vacancies in public offices.
VACANCY. A vacancy occurs for the reasons stated in M.S. § 351.02 or other state law.
(B) Appointment to vacancy. Pursuant to M.S. § 412.02, Subdivision 2a, a person shall be appointed to fill the vacancy until the special election is held and the winner of the special election is qualified to take office.
(C) Special election timing. If a vacancy occurs and a special election to fill the unexpired term is required pursuant to M.S. § 412.02, Subdivision 2a, and there are more than 365 days until the next general election, then the special election to fill the vacancy shall be held prior to the general election, but no later than 90 days after the date of the vacancy.
(Ord. 88, passed 2-15-2022)
(A) Pursuant to the authority granted by M.S. § 412.591, as it may be amended from time to time, the offices of the Clerk and Treasurer shall be, and hereby are, combined in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer and thereafter the duties of the Treasurer and Clerk shall be performed by the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer.
(B) In conformance with the laws of this state, there shall be an annual audit of the city’s financial affairs by the State Auditor or a public accountant in accordance with minimum procedures prescribed by the State Auditor.
(1989 Code, § 2.08)