(A)   Creation of Department of Public Works. There is hereby created in the town a Department of Public Works.
   (B)   Director of Public Works. The Department of Public Works shall be managed by a Director of Public Works and such position of Director of Public Works is hereby created.
   (C)   Divisions of the Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Works shall encompass the following Divisions which are hereby created:
      (1)   Wastewater Division;
      (2)   Facilities Management Division;
      (3)   Environmental Stewardship Division;
      (4)   Street Division;
      (5)   Stormwater Management Division; and
      (6)   Engineering Division.
   (D)   Division Supervisors. Each Division within the Department of Public Works shall be managed by a Division Supervisor and such Division Supervisor positions are hereby created. The Director of Public Works may serve as Division Supervisor of any Division within the Department of Public Works where deemed by the Mayor and Director to be appropriate. Each Division Supervisor serves under the jurisdiction of the Mayor, although the day-to-day operations of each Division Supervisor will be supervised and managed by the Director of Public Works. The Division Supervisor of the Wastewater Division shall be a Department Head as that term is used in Resolution 2014-11 and specifically Section ZR2A22, ZR2A23 and ZR2A24.
(Ord. 2020-09, passed 10-5-2020)