(A)   In the event that a report is received by the Town Police Department relative to a gathering which will occur at some future time and place and which will constitute a violation under this chapter, then, and in that event, the town police officer duly charged with said investigation shall make arrangements to meet with the owner and thereby provide a copy of this chapter to the owner and render an explanation to the owner regarding the consequences for a violation of this chapter.
   (B)   (1)   In the event that a report is received by the Town Police Department as to an existing gathering which would be a violation of this chapter, then, and in that event, the officer to whom said matter is assigned shall immediately investigate the facts and allegations of said report to determine if a violation of this chapter is being committed. In the event a violation of this chapter is occurring, the owner of the property at which such gathering is taking place shall be furnished a copy of this chapter by the investigating officer along with an explanation as to the consequences for a violation of this chapter.
      (2)   The failure by the investigating officer to immediately locate the owner of the property where a gathering in violation of this chapter is taking place shall not be construed as preventing a citation being issued to the owner for a violation of this chapter. The failure by the owner to cause a termination of the possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances by said minors, when asked to do so by the investigating officer, is a further violation of this chapter.
   (C)   In the event that the Town Police Department receives a report as to an owner, who in the past, has caused, permitted, hosted or had on his or her property a gathering of minors in violation of this chapter, then, and in that event, the town police officer to whom this matter is assigned shall deliver a copy of this chapter to the owner accompanied with due explanation of the consequences for the violation of this chapter.
(1996 Code, § 9-63) (Ord. 84-20, passed - -)