(A)   The following construction codes are adopted in their entirety unless otherwise specifically modified by their ordinance.
      (1)   2004 Florida Building Code as adopted and updated by the Florida Building Commission and all subsequent amendments or editions.
      (2)   National Electric Code as published by national Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A.), 1984 Edition, and all subsequent amendments or editions.
      (3)   National Fire Code as published by N.F.P.A., 1982 Edition, and all subsequent amendments or editions.
      (4)   International Property Maintenance Code 2006 Edition and all subsequent amendments or editions.
   (B)   The city does hereby adopt the above cited codes, division (A)(1) through (4) of this section, and any subsequent amendments or new editions thereto as minimum codes for the city except as otherwise provided in this chapter. After the adoption of these codes, all construction within the city pertaining to the same shall be built and constructed in accordance with the specification of said codes, together with other provisions of this chapter in all respects, as if all the provisions of said codes had been set forth herein verbatim.
(Ord. 981-07, passed 8-13-07)