A. The UDO is intended to establish a compact and convenient arrangement of land uses across the landscape in ways that promote orderly growth and compatibility between different kinds of land uses like residential, commercial, mixed-use, and agriculture.
B. The UDO strives to produce a sustainable balance of land uses (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) in order to assist with the fiscal wellbeing of the Town and to ensure a diverse tax base.
C. The UDO seeks to promote redevelopment of underutilized sites served by public infrastructure while at the same time protecting existing established development and neighborhoods from incompatible infill and redevelopment.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. The UDO intends to protect air and water quality, preserve open space, protect natural resource areas (like wetlands and riparian areas), and preserve a sufficient amount of wildlife habitat.
B. The UDO promotes sustainable development practices, like energy conservation, low-impact development, and alternative modes of transportation that do not contribute to the formation of greenhouse gases.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. The UDO seeks to ensure sufficient and adequately functioning infrastructure, including transportation, potable water, wastewater, recreation, stormwater management, and communications through standards requiring dedication of sufficient land for such facilities, and requirements to construct or make payment in-lieu of constructing required infrastructure.
B. The UDO seeks to improve Town-wide and regional connectivity for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists through new extension and connection provisions for greenways, trails, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and streets.
C. The UDO seeks to coordinate the development of streets with other public facilities so as to better manage and lessen congestion in the streets as well as provisions that ensure the construction of necessary community service facilities.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
The UDO promotes the Town's unique "sense of place" in eastern Wake County by promoting revitalization of the downtown and surrounding areas, encouraging the establishment of new greenways, and establishing new requirements for open space set-asides.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)