3.8.5.   Manufactured Home Overlay (MHO) District
   A.   Purpose and Intent. The Manufactured Housing Overlay (MHO) district is established as a means of providing reasonable opportunities for the placement of manufactured dwellings in the Town's planning jurisdiction. More specifically, the district is intended to:
      1.   Provide alternative, affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate- income residents in residential areas by allowing for the use of manufactured dwellings.
      2.   Establish requirements designed to assure acceptable similarity in exterior appearance between manufactured dwellings and single-family dwellings constructed on adjacent or nearby lots.
      3.   Protect property values and preserve the character and integrity of the community or individual neighborhoods within the community.
      4.   Require new manufactured dwellings to meet the minimum requirements for manufactured dwellings in Section, Manufactured Dwelling.
   B.   Establishment.
      1.   Manufactured Housing Overlay (MHO) districts shall only be established in accordance with Section 160D-910 of the North Carolina General Statutes and Section 2.2.24, Zoning Map Amendment.
      2.   In requesting the establishment of an MHO district, an applicant shall present factual information to ensure, in the discretion of the Board of Commissioners, that property values of surrounding lands are protected, that the character and integrity of the neighborhood are adequately safeguarded, and the proposed MHO district is consistent with these standards.
      3.   To assure acceptable similarity in exterior appearance between proposed manufactured dwellings and dwellings that are constructed on adjacent or nearby land, an applicant may, for illustrative purposes only, present examples of the types and design of such proposed dwellings.
   C.   Development Authorized.
      1.   Land within an MHO district may accommodate the following types of uses:
         a.   A single manufactured home on an individual lot configured in accordance with Section, Manufactured Dwelling;
         b.   A principal use authorized in the underlying general or conditional zoning district in accordance with Table 4.2.3, Principal Use Table;
         c.   An accessory or temporary use associated with an allowed principal use.
      2.   Manufactured homes located on lots or sites outside of a MHO district shall be considered nonconforming in accordance with Section 7.6, Nonconforming Uses.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2021-65, passed 5-3-2021)