The residential zoning districts are proposed to provide a comfortable, healthy, safe, and pleasant environment in which to live and recreate. More specifically, they are intended to:
A. Provide appropriately located lands for residential development that are consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Town's adopted policy guidance;
B. Ensure adequate light, air, privacy, and open space areas for each dwelling, and protect residents from the negative effects of noise, excessive population density, traffic congestion, flooding, and other significant adverse environmental impacts;
C. Protect residential areas from fires, explosions, toxic fumes and substances, and other public safety hazards;
D. Provide for residential housing choice, affordability, and diversity with varying housing densities, types, and designs, including accessory dwelling units;
E. Provide for safe and efficient vehicular access and circulation and promote bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods;
F. Provide safe and efficient access to public transit facilities and alternative forms of transportation, like greenways;
G. Provide for public services and facilities needed to serve residential areas and accommodate public and low intensity neighborhood-serving nonresidential uses in the higher density residential districts while protecting residential areas from incompatible nonresidential development;
H. Create neighborhoods and preserve existing "small-town" community character while accommodating new development and redevelopment consistent with the Town's goals and objectives; and
I. Preserve the unique character and historic resources of the traditional neighborhoods and the community.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. District Character. The Residential Watershed (R1) district is established in accordance with Section 143-214.5 of the North Carolina General Statutes for the purposes of protecting water quality within the Little River Water Supply Watershed. The R1 district has a rural character comprised of single-family detached dwellings at very low densities, farms, agricultural uses, and vacant lands generally located at the edges of the Town's planning jurisdiction. Residential densities are very low at one unit an acre or less, and impervious surfaces are limited in order to minimize stormwater runoff and degraded drinking water quality. Conservation subdivisions that result in large portions of land remaining undeveloped or under agricultural use are encouraged, provided they do not negatively impact the rural aesthetics of the district. Land uses or site features that degrade water quality such as improperly functioning on-site wastewater disposal systems, inadequate erosion control measures, or the deposition of waste are prohibited.
B. Example of Pattern.
C. Dimensional Standards.
Standard | Requirements [1] | ||
Within Critical Areas | Within Balance Areas | Conservation Subdivision |
Standard | Requirements [1] | ||
Within Critical Areas | Within Balance Areas | Conservation Subdivision | |
Minimum Development Size (acres) | None | None | 10 |
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) [2] | 0.5 | 1 | As allowed within critical or balance areas |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 80,000 | 40,000 | 6,500 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 70 | 70 | 70 |
Maximum Built-Upon Area (% of lot area) | 6 | 12 [3] [4] | As allowed within critical or balance areas [3] [4] |
Minimum Open Space Set- Aside (% of development size) | 10 | 10 | 50 [5] |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 15 | 15 | 5 |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | 25 | 5 |
Maximum Building Height (feet) | 35 | 35 | 35 |
NOTES: [1] Land area within the R1 district shall be classified as Critical Area or Balance Area in accordance with the Little River Water Supply Watershed regulations established by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. [2] Maximum residential density may not be increased through compliance with residential design guidelines or incorporation of sustainable development features. [3] Built-upon area may be configured so that a maximum of 10% of the development's total acreage is 70% built upon. Built-upon area shall include the total footprint of all proposed principal and accessory structures as a percentage of the total acreage of the tract being developed, excluding the footprint associated with lawfully established development in place prior to May 4, 2009. [4] Development using the "10/70" option described in Note [2] shall include stormwater control measures to minimize concentrated stormwater flow and to minimize impact to receiving waters. Stormwater control measures shall be reviewed and approved by the Town and Wake County. [5] Development using the "10/70" option described in Note [2] shall set aside all land not used for building lots or streets as open space. Nothing shall prohibit farming or the placement of potable water or septic facilities within open space set-aside areas. | |||
D. Development Examples.
E. District-Specific Standards. The following standards shall apply to all lands within the Residential Watershed (R1) district:
1. Compliance with Little River Reservoir Water Supply Watershed Interlocal Agreement. Land within the R1 district shall comply with the provisions in the Little River Reservoir Water Supply Watershed Interlocal Agreement.
2. Exemption of Existing Development.
a. Lawfully established development in existence prior to May 4, 2009 shall be exempted from these standards, and shall not be included within calculations of built-upon area.
b. Additions to existing development exempted from these standards taking place after May 4, 2009 shall be subject to these provisions, and shall be included within calculations of built-upon area.
3. Zoning Map Amendment Prohibited.
a. Land located within the Little River Water Supply Watershed, as designated by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, shall not be rezoned to a different general zoning district designation.
b. Nothing shall limit the establishment of a Residential Watershed Conditional (R1-C) district, provided that all conditions place greater restrictions on proposed development then those applied to the general Residential Watershed (R1) district.
4. Prohibited Land Uses. The following uses shall be prohibited within the land area occupied by the R1 zoning district:
a. Sites for land application of residuals or petroleum-contaminated soils;
b. Landfills, incinerators, or waste processing facilities; or
c. Solid waste management facilities.
5. Watershed Buffer Required.
a. All development within the R1 district shall maintain a 50-foot- wide vegetated buffer along all sides of any perennial waters indicated on the most recent USGS 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) scale topographic maps, or in other Town-adopted studies.
b. Development shall be generally prohibited within watershed buffers, but street crossings and greenways trails may be permitted where no alternative exists. In cases where street crossings or greenway trails are located within the buffer, they shall direct stormwater runoff away from receiving waters and shall include stormwater control measures to minimize concentrated stormwater flow and minimize impacts to receiving waters.
6. Streets.
a. Streets shall be located outside of watershed critical areas and required watershed buffers, to the maximum extent practicable.
b. In cases where streets must be located within a watershed critical area or watershed buffer, streets shall be designed and constructed to direct stormwater runoff away from receiving waters and shall include stormwater control measures to minimize concentrated stormwater flow and minimize impacts to receiving waters.
7. Public Water and Sewer. Development within the R1 district shall not be served by public water or sanitary sewer systems.
8. Stormwater Control Measures. Development required to provide stormwater control measures shall ensure they are configured to divert stormwater runoff away from surface waters and incorporate best management practices to minimize water quality impacts.
9. Erosion and Sedimentation Control. Development disturbing more than one acre of land area shall be subject to an approved erosion and sedimentation control plan (see Section 6.9, Soil Erosion & Sedimentation).
10. Enforcement. Development that violates these standards shall be subject to the provisions in Article 8: Enforcement.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. District Character. The Residential Suburban (R2) district has a suburban character typically comprised of single-family detached residential uses in somewhat peripheral locations of the Town's planning jurisdiction. Allowable residential densities are around two units an acre, but may be increased based on design quality or open space provision. Lot sizes are generally larger than in urban portions of the Town, and tend to be landscaped or include undisturbed vegetation. The establishment of small- lot/small-home developments like conservation subdivisions, bungalow courts, and pocket neighborhoods are encouraged when compatible with their surroundings. Most uses are not served by public potable water and sanitary wastewater services, though neighborhood-scale water and wastewater facilities may be present. Most buildings are low-rise in height, or between one and three stories tall. Off-street parking is common. Neighborhood-scale or low-intensity nonresidential and institutional uses like schools, religious institutions, parks, and minor utility uses are allowed, provided they do not detract from the quiet, residential character of the district.
B. Example Lot Pattern.
C. Dimensional Standards - Residential.
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood |
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood | |
Single-Family Detached Development | ||||
Minimum Development Size (acres) | N/A | N/A | 10 | 3 (max. size) |
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 1.45 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 30,000 | 21,780 | 6,000 | 6,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 150 | 150 | 30 | 30 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 30 | 35 | 75 | 65 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 50; may be reduced to 35 measured to front edge of a covered porch | 20 | 20; 0 from alley | |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 15 | 15 | 5 | 5/side; 15 total |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | 25 | 5 | 15 |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3 | 35/3 | 35/3 |
Duplex Development | ||||
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 2 | 2.5 | N/A | N/A |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 21,780/unit | 17,400/unit | ||
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 150 | 150 | ||
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 30 | 35 | ||
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 50; may be reduced to 35 measured to front edge of a covered porch | N/A | N/A | |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 15 | 15 | ||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | 25 | ||
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3 | ||
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 15 | 15 | ||
D. Dimensional Standards - Non-Residential.
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 20,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 100 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 45 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 50 |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 15 |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 |
Maximum Building Height (feet) | 35/2 |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 15 |
E. Development Examples.
F. District-specific Standards. - placeholder -
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. The Residential Neighborhood (R4) district has a neighborhood-scale or character with individual developments arranged along major transportation corridors within the Town's corporate limits. The district allows a wide variety of dwelling unit types at moderate densities of around three units per acre, though densities may be increased based on design quality or open space provision. Residential neighborhoods include a variety of different lot sizes and housing types to promote diverse housing options for Town residents (though some require approval of special use permits). Landscaping and careful siting helps preserve compatibility between different housing types located adjacent to one another. Residential and nonresidential uses are typically served by public potable water and sanitary wastewater services, and there is a fine-grained network of greenways and sidewalks that allow for mobility within and between neighborhoods. Residential uses maintain modest building heights of between one and three stories. Neighborhood-scale or low-intensity nonresidential and institutional uses like schools, religious institutions, parks, and minor utility uses are permitted to support neighborhood character and convenience.
B. Example of Lot Pattern.
C. Dimensional Standards - Residential.
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood |
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood | |
Single-Family Detached Development | ||||
Minimum Development Size (acres) | N/A | N/A | 10 | 3 (max. size) |
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 4.35 | 5 | 4 | 4 |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 10,000 | 8,700 | 6,000 | 6,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 75 | 70 | 30 | 30 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 30 | 35 | 75 | 65 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30; may be reduced to 20 measured to front edge of a covered porch | 20 | 20; 0 from alley | |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 10 | 10 | 5 | 5/side |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | 25 | 5 | 15 |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3 | 35/3 | 35/3 |
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood |
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood | |
Duplex Development | ||||
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 3.35 | 4 | N/A | N/A |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 13,000/unit | 10,890/unit | ||
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 100 | 100 | ||
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 30 | 35 | ||
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30; may be reduced to 20 measured to front edge of a covered porch | |||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 12 | 12 | ||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | 25 | ||
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3 | ||
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 | 25 | ||
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood |
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood | |
Single-Family Attached Development | ||||
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 3.35 | 4 | N/A | N/A |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 9,500/unit | 7,600/unit | ||
Minimum Development Width (linear feet) | 170 | 140 | ||
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of total area) | 40 | 45 | ||
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 5 from interior streets | |||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | None | |||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | None | |||
Minimum Perimeter Setback Around Development (feet) | 30 | 30 | ||
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3 | ||
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 30 | 30 | ||
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood |
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood | |
Triplex/Quadplex Development | ||||
Minimum Development Size (acres) | 1 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 4 | |||
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 7,600/unit | |||
Minimum Development Width (linear feet) | 140 | |||
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of total area) | 45 | |||
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30 | |||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 12 | |||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | |||
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 40/3 | |||
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25
| |||
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood |
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Conservation Subdivision | Bungalow Court/Pocket Neighborhood | |
Multi-Family Development | ||||
Minimum Development Size (acres) | 1 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 4 | |||
Minimum Development Width (linear feet) | 140 | |||
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of total | 45 | |||
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 5 from interior streets | |||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | None | |||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | None | |||
Minimum Perimeter Setback Around Development (feet) | 30 | |||
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 40/3 | |||
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 30 | |||
D. Dimensional Standards - Non-Residential.
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 12,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 80 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 45 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30 |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 10 |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 |
Maximum Building Height (feet) | 35/2 |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 |
E. Development Examples.
F. District-Specific Standards. - placeholder -
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. District Character. The Residential Urban (R6) district is found in the urban portions of Town proximate to downtown and major transportation corridors. Development is typically more compact with more impervious surfaces than that found in the Town's suburban areas. Urban areas maintain a wide diversity of land uses and are more likely to be proximate to non-residential districts. Compatibility between adjacent land uses is maintained through landscaping, screening, design quality, and site configuration that seeks to control noise, odors, lighting, and incompatible views between developments. The district allows almost all forms of residential development, including therapeutic living arrangements (like nursing homes), retirement communities, and group homes. Densities are in the range of five dwelling units an acre, though they may be increased beyond five units an acre based on design quality. Conservation subdivisions are not permitted in the R6 district. Lot sizes for individual units tend to be smaller and as such, there is an increased reliance on common open space and public recreation amenities, including greenways and a well-connected sidewalk network. The district allows a variety of institutional and neighborhood-supporting non- residential and mixed uses.
B. Example Lot Pattern.
C. Dimensional Standards-Residential.
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Bungalow Court/ Pocket Neighborhood |
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Bungalow Court/ Pocket Neighborhood | |
Single-Family Detached Development | |||
Maximum Development Size (acres) | N/A | N/A | 3 |
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 5.44 | 6 | 4 |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 8,000 | 7,200 | 6,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 70 | 70 | 30 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 30 | 35 | 65 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30; may be reduced to 20 measured to front edge of a covered porch | 20; 0 from alley | |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 10 | 10 | 5/side |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | 25 | 15 |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3 | 35/3 |
Duplex Development | |||
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 4.15 | 6 | N/A |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 10,500/unit | 7,200/unit | |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 95 | 95 | |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 30 | 35 | |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30; may be reduced to 20 measured to front edge of a covered porch | ||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 12 | 12 | |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | 25 | |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3 | |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 | 25 | |
Single -Family Attached Development | |||
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 4.15 | 6 | N/A |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 10,500/unit | 7,200/unit | |
Minimum Development Width (linear feet) | 140 | 120 | |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of total area) | 30 | 35 | N/A |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 5 from interior streets
| ||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | None
| ||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | None
| ||
Minimum Perimeter Setback Around Development (feet) | 25 | 25
| |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3
| |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 | 25 | |
Triplex and Quadplex Development | |||
Minimum Development Size (acres) | 1 | N/A | N/A |
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 6 | ||
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 7,200/unit | ||
Minimum Development Width (linear feet) | 120 | ||
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of total area) | 35 | ||
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30 | ||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 12 | N/A | N/A |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25
| ||
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 40/3
| ||
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25
| ||
Multi-Family Development | |||
Minimum Development Size (acres) | 1 | N/A | N/A |
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 6 | ||
Minimum Development Width (linear feet) | 120 | ||
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of total area) | 35 | ||
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 5 from interior streets | ||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | None | ||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | None | ||
Minimum Perimeter Setback Around Development (feet) | 25 | ||
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 40/3 | ||
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 | ||
D. Dimensional Standards - Non-Residential.
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 10,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 75 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 35 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30 |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 10 |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/2 |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 |
E. Development Examples.
F. District-Specific Standards. - placeholder -
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. District Character. The Residential Multi-Family (RMF) is the most dense of the residential districts and allows the broadest range of residential use types, include various forms of mixed-use development. The RMF district is typically configured as a single development on one or two lots, though are also some examples of multiple lot developments throughout the Town. Multi-family development is typically more dense than its immediate surroundings, and can also serve as an effective transition between single-family detached development and adjacent commercial or employment uses. Buildings in the RMF district tend to have shared site access, shared building access, common site features (like recreation space) owned in common, and centralized service functions. Residential densities are slightly higher for most forms of allowable residential development than is permitted in the other residential districts, though multi-family density is double that in the other residential districts. In addition to higher density development, the RMF districts allows a broad range of institutional uses and some low intensity neighborhood-serving non-residential uses to allow Town residents to take care of some of their daily needs without need of an automobile, should they desire to do so. Uses that are potentially detrimental to residential development and low density development comprised of uniform building types or styles are generally discouraged in the RMF district.
B. Example Lot Pattern.
C. Dimensional Standards - Residential.
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Bungalow Court/ Pocket Neighborhood |
Traditional Format | Complies with Residential Design Guidelines | Bungalow Court/ Pocket Neighborhood | |
Single-Family Detachment Development | |||
Maximum Development Size (acres) | N/A | N/A | 3 |
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 6.25 | 7 | 4 |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 6,900 | 6,200 | 6,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 70 | 60 | 30 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 35 | 40 | 65 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30; may be reduced to 20 measured to the front edge of a covered porch | 20; 0 from alley | |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 10 | 10 | 5/side |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | 25 | 15 |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3 | 35/3 |
Duplex Development | |||
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 5 | 7 | N/A |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 8,700/unit | 6,200/unit | |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 95 | 95 | |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 35 | 40 | |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30; may be reduced to 20 measured to the front edge of a covered porch | ||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 12 | 12 | |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | 25 | |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/3 | |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 | 25 | |
Single-Family Attached Development | |||
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 5 | 7 | N/A |
Minimum Development Width (linear feet) | 140 | 120 | N/A |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of total area) | 35 | 40 | |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 5 from interior streets | ||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | None | ||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | None | ||
Minimum Perimeter Setback Around Development (feet) | 25 | 25 | |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 | 35/2 | |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 | 25 | |
Triplex and Quadplex Development | |||
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 7 | N/A | N/A |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 6,200/unit | ||
Minimum Development Width (linear feet) | 120 | ||
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of total area) | 40 | ||
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30 | ||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 12 | ||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 | N/A | N/A |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 40/3 | ||
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 | ||
Multi-Family Development | |||
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 12 | N/A | N/A |
Minimum Development Width (linear feet) | 120 | ||
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of total area) | 40 | ||
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 5 from interior streets | ||
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | None | ||
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | None | ||
Minimum Perimeter Setback Around Development (feet) | 25 | ||
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 50/4 | ||
D. Dimensional Standards - Mixed-Use.
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | 12 |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 30,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 120 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 45 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30 |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 10 |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 50/4 |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 |
E. Dimensional Standards - Non-Residential.
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 10,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 120 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 45 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | 30 |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | 10 |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 25 |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 35/3 |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 25 |
F. Development Examples.
G. District-Specific Standards. - placeholder -
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
The commercial zoning districts are intended to ensure a wide range of office, retail, service, industrial, and related uses necessary to meet resident and visitor needs, and more specifically to:
A. Provide appropriately located lands for the full range of business uses needed by the Town's residents, businesses, and workers, consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies in the Town's adopted policy guidance;
B. Strengthen the Town's economic base, and provide employment opportunities close to home for residents of the Town and surrounding areas;
C. Create suitable environments for various types of business uses, and protect them from the adverse effects of incompatible uses;
D. Provide safe and efficient access to alternative forms of transportation like public transit facilities, sidewalks, trails, and greenways;
E. Preserve the unique character and historic resources of the downtown area while increasing opportunities for urban development in areas already well-served by infrastructure; and
F. Minimize the impact of business development on residential districts and sensitive natural environments.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)