In the construction of the ordinances of the town, the following rules shall be observed unless this construction would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the ordinance.
(A) And. May be read “or,” and “or” may be read “and,” if the sense requires it.
(B) Computation of time. The time within which an act is to be done shall be computed by excluding the first and including the last day, and if the last day is Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday, that shall be excluded.
(C) Gender. Words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter.
(D) Joint authority. All words giving a joint authority to three or more persons or officers shall be construed as giving that authority to a majority of the persons or officers, unless it shall be otherwise expressly declared in the law giving the authority.
(E) Singular and plural. Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural includes the singular number.
(F) Tenses. Words used in the past or present tense include the future as well as the past and present.
(1985 Code, § 10.05)
Statutory reference:
Rules of statutory construction, see G.S. § 12-3