For the purpose of this code the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. The governing body of the town.
   BOND. When a BOND is required, an undertaking in writing shall be sufficient.
   COUNTY. The COUNTY of Wake, in the State of North Carolina, except as otherwise provided.
   IN THE TOWN. Any territory jurisdiction of which the exercise of its regulatory power has been conferred on the town by public or private law.
   MONTH. A calendar MONTH.
   OATH. Includes an affirmation in all cases in which by law an affirmation may be substituted for an oath, and in those cases the words “swear” and “sworn” shall be equivalent to the words “affirm” and “affirmed.”
   OFFICIAL TIME STANDARDS. Whenever certain hours are named in this code, they shall mean standard time or daylight saving time as may be in current use in this town.
   OWNER. Applied to a building or land, includes any part OWNER, joint OWNER, tenant in common, joint tenant or tenant by the entirety, of the whole or a part of the building or land.
   PERSON. A corporation, firm, partnership, association, organization and any other group acting as a unit, as well as an individual.
   PERSONAL PROPERTY. Includes every species of property except real property, as herein defined.
   PRECEDING, FOLLOWING. Next before and next after, respectively.
   PROPERTY. Includes real and personal property.
   REAL PROPERTY. Includes lands, tenements and hereditaments.
   SIDEWALK. Any portion of a street, between the curb line and the adjacent property line, intended for the use of pedestrians.
   SIGNATURE or SUBSCRIPTION. Includes a mark when the person cannot write.
   STATE. The State of North Carolina, except as otherwise provided.
   STREET. Any public way, road, highway, street, avenue, boulevard, parkway, alley, lane, viaduct, bridge and the approaches thereto within the town and shall mean the entire width of the right-of-way between abutting property lines.
   TENANT or OCCUPANT. Applied to a building or land, includes any person who occupies the whole or a part of the building or land, whether alone or with others.
   TOWN. The Town of Zebulon, in the County of Wake and the State of North Carolina, except as otherwise provided.
   WRITING or WRITTEN. Includes printing, and any other mode of representing words and letters.
   YEAR. A calendar year, unless otherwise stated.
(1985 Code, § 10.04)