(a)   Uniformity of cost and kind. Any proceeding may include one or more local improvements on one or more streets, but all improvements included in one procedure shall be practically uniform in cost and kind. A proceeding may include improvements on only one side of a street.
   (b)   Assessment of Costs, Manner and Method. The proceeding may provide for making any one or more local improvements in or on a street or streets and for the assessment of the cost thereof, except the Town's portion, wholly against the property abutting one side of such street or streets or otherwise against such abutting property as may be designated in the petition, if one, and if not in the resolution ordering the proceeding, in any of the following cases: (1) In any case, where there is a park land or unimproved land abutting one side or a part of one side of a street; or (2) where the land abutting one side or a part of one side of a street is of such nature or is devoted to such purpose that a special assessment against it cannot be made, or, if made would probably exceed the value of the land assessed; or (3) where the owners of all the property to be assessed agree thereto.
(Session Laws of 1973, Chapter 386) (Ord. 2004-45, passed 4-4-2004)