Certain words and phrases will be used with the following meanings with reference to local improvements, unless some other meaning is plainly intended.
(a) A street is the entire width between property or right-of-way lines of every way or place, of whatever nature, when any part thereof is dedicated or open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether such portion devoted to traffic be divided by any railroad, or other utility right-of-way, parkway or in any other manner.
(b) A sidewalk is the part of a street which is used or to be used for pedestrian traffic.
(c) A storm sewer is a conduit above or below ground for the passage of storm water and may include a pumping station and outlet where deemed necessary and may also include the building of culverts over or the enclosing of streams where needed to carry off storm water.
(d) A sanitary sewer is a conduit, preferably underground, for the passage of sewage and may include a pumping station and outlet.
(e) A water main is a pipe for the passage of Town water for public hydrants and private and public use and consumption.
(f) A lateral is a pipe connecting a storm or sanitary sewer or water main with the line of adjacent property or the curb line, being either a sewer lateral or water lateral, but does not include a building connection, that is, a pipe extending from a lateral at the property line or curb line to the house or plumbing fixture to be served.
(g) A roadway is the part of a street which is used or to be used for vehicular traffic.
(h) The word sewer includes both sanitary and storm sewers unless a contrary intention is shown.
(Session Laws of 1973, Chapter 386) (Ord. 2004-45, passed 4-4-2004)