   The form of government of the Town of Zebulon shall be known as the “council-manager form of government,” as set forth in the General Statutes of North Carolina subject to the modifications of this charter. Nothing contained in this charter shall be construed to prevent the form of government of the Town of Zebulon from being changed as provided by law.
(Ord. 2004-45, passed 4-4-2004)
   The Board of Commissioners shall appoint an officer whose title shall be Town Manager and who shall be the head of the administrative branch of the city government. The Town Manager shall be chosen by the Board of Commissioners solely on the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications with special reference to actual experience in, or knowledge of, accepted practice in respect to the duties of his office as hereinafter prescribed. The Town Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners and shall receive such salary as the Board of Commissioners shall fix. In case of absence or disability of the Town Manager, the Commissioners may designate a qualified administrative officer of the Town to perform the duties of the Manager during such absence or disability.
(Session Laws of 1973, Chapter 386) (Ord. 2004-45, passed 4-4-2004)
Editor's note:
   The Town Manager shall exercise those duties set forth in G.S. § 160A-148, as well as those established by the town from time to time
   The Board of Commissioners shall appoint a Town attorney who shall be an attorney at law licensed to engage in the practice of law in North Carolina and who need not be a resident of the Town during his tenure.
(Session Laws of 1973, Chapter 386) (Ord. 2004-45, passed 4-4-2004)