§ 193-16 Definitions.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY. City of Yuma, Arizona.
   CUSTOMER. Any person, persons, association, corporation or governmental agency supplied, or entitled to be supplied, with water and sewer service by the Utility Division in accordance with established regulations, rates and charges.
   RUN SERVICE-SEWER. The installation of the pipe or tubing necessary to conduct waste water from the customers' facilities at their property line to the sewer main in the public right-of-way.
   RUN SERVICE-WATER. The installation of pipe or tubing, fittings and valves necessary to conduct water from the distribution main in the public right-of-way to and through the meter where connection is made with facilities of the customer.
   SERVICE AVAILABLE. A property or establishment to which a service has previously been run. The water service available may or may not contain a meter.
   SEWER AVAILABLE. When a sewer main of adequate size and capacity is present along the total frontage or along one full side of property to be served.
   TEMPORARY SERVICE CONNECTION. A connection which is installed for the temporary use of water, including service to construction sites.
   UTILITY DIVISION. The Utility Division of the Department of Public Service designated to conduct operations in connection with the supply, treatment and distribution of potable water, treatment and collection of waste water and water and sewer service to customers.
   UTILITY DIVISION COST. Cost shall include all “Components of Construction Cost and Overhead Construction Costs” as prescribed by the National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commissioners.
   WATER AVAILABLE. When a water line of adequate size and capacity is present along the total frontage or along one full side of property to be served.
('80 Code, § 31-83) (Ord. 1899, passed 1-16-80)