§ 157-09 Police Facilities Development Fee.
   (A)   Definitions.
      POLICE FACILITIES. A public facility, including but not limited to vehicles and equipment, that are used by City law enforcement to preserve the public peace, prevent crime, detect and arrest criminal offenders, protect the rights of persons and property, regulate and control motorized and pedestrian traffic, train sworn personnel, and/or provide and maintain police records, vehicles, equipment, and communications systems. POLICE FACILITIES do not include vehicles and equipment used to provide administrative services, or helicopters or airplanes or any facility used for training officers from more than one station or substation.
      POLICE FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT FEE. A development fee imposed to offset the impacts of new development on police facilities set forth in the Infrastructure Improvements Plan, subject to the limitations set forth in this chapter.
   (B)     Service area. There are hereby established two service areas for police facilities development fees as follows:
      (1)   North Service Area: All lands within the City of Yuma located north of and including 56th Street; and
      (2)   South Service Area: All lands within the City of Yuma located south of 56th Street.
   (C)   Applicability and appropriation of development fees. Police facilities development fees shall be assessed against both residential and non-residential development as further provided in this chapter. Police facilities development fees may be appropriated for public facilities included in the Infrastructure Improvements Plan.
   (D)   Police facilities development fee schedule for residential development in the North Service Area.
Development Type
Fee Per Dwelling Unit
All Other Housing
   (E)   Police facilities development fee schedule for non- residential development in the North Service Area.
Development Type
Fee Per Square Foot
Hotel (per room)
(Ord. O2005-74, passed 9-7-05; Ord. O2007-28, passed 5-16-07; Ord. O2012-06, passed 3-21-12; Ord. O2019-019, passed 5-15-19)