The Town Council finds graffiti on public or private property a blighting element which leads to depreciation of the value of property which has been targeted by such vandalism and depreciates the value of the adjacent and surrounding properties to the extent that graffiti creates a negative impact upon the entire Town.
The Town Council finds and determines that graffiti is obnoxious and a public nuisance, and must be eliminated by means of prevention, education and abatement to avoid the detrimental impact of such graffiti on the Town and its residents, and to prevent the further spread of graffiti.
The purpose and intent of the Town Council, through the adoption of this Chapter, is to provide additional enforcement tools to protect public and private property from acts of vandalism and defacement. It is the further intent of the Town Council, through the adoption of this Chapter, to provide notice to all those who disregard the property rights of others, that the law enforcement agencies of the Town, the Police Department, code enforcement and the Town Attorney, will strictly enforce the law and vigorously prosecute those persons engaging in violations of this Chapter. (Ord, 314, 4-2-2024)