9.99.240: "W" DEFINITIONS:
WALL: The vertical exterior surface of a building; vertical interior surfaces that divide a buildings space into rooms.
WAREHOUSING AND STORAGE FACILITY: A. Limited: A building or group of buildings in a controlled access compound that contains individual compartmentalized stalls which are rented or leased for the storage of customer goods or wares, and which may include an on site manager's quarters, but excludes "warehousing and storage, wholesale distribution". Limited warehousing and storage shall also mean "miniwarehousing".
   B.   Wholesale Distribution: A building or group of buildings used for storage and distribution of wholesale goods without direct public access.
Warehousing and storage does not include direct sales, offices, manufacturing, and assembly of goods or animal storage.
WATERCOURSE: A lake, river, creek, stream, wash, arroyo, channel or other topographic feature on or over which waters flow at least periodically. Watercourse includes specifically designated areas in which substantial flood damage may occur.
WETLAND: An area that is inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that, under normal circumstances, does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions, commonly known as hydrophytic vegetation.
WHEEL STOPS: Permanent devices that block the front wheels of a vehicle in a parking stall.
WHOLESALE FOR RETAIL SALES: The exchange of goods not intended for direct sale to the public but intended for future distribution and resale for financial or other consideration.
WILDLANDS: Any area of land that is essentially unimproved, in a natural state of hydrology, vegetation and animal life, and not under cultivation.
WIND ENERGY SYSTEM: A system that utilizes wind energy to pump a fluid or gas, or to drive a mechanical device to generate electricity. Related wind energy terms are defined as follows:
   A.   Accessory Wind Energy System: A wind energy conversion system consisting of a wind turbine and blades, a tower, and associated control or conversion electronics, which will be used primarily to reduce on site consumption of utility power.
   B.   System Height: The combined height of the tower, the turbine and any blade when at the twelve o'clock (12:00) position.
WIRELESS COMMUNICATION: A broad range of telecommunication services that enable people and devices to communicate independent of location. This includes the current technologies of cellular communications and personal communications services. This excludes noncommercial antennas, radio, and television signals, and noncommercial satellite dishes. Related wireless communication terms are defined as follows:
   Antenna: Any system of dishes, panels, poles, reflecting disks, rods, and wire or similar devices used for the transmission or reception of electromagnetic signals.
   Antenna Height: The overall vertical distance from the base or pad to the highest point of the antenna mounted on its support structure.
   Antenna Structure: Any structure, including mast, pole, or tower, whether ground mounted or mounted on another structure that supports an antenna or an array of antennas. The height of an antenna structure is measured to the highest point of any antenna mounted upon it or to any higher point of the antenna structure.
   Cell Site: A parcel of land that contains a wireless communication facility/ies (WCFs).
   Collocation: The placement of two (2) or more WCFs on the same site, building, or structure where each facility is operated by a different carrier, operator, or owner.
   Lattice Tower: A guyed or self-supporting, three (3) or four (4) sided, open frame structure used to support telecommunications equipment.
   Monopole: A freestanding antenna structure with antennas attached to it that consists of a single shaft, including stealth designs (e.g., flagpoles, monopalms, monopines) and has a single continuous footing designed to be self-supporting without the use of any guywires.
   Mount: The structure or surface upon which antennas are mounted. There are two (2) types of mounts: a) ground mounted - mounted on the ground, including, but not limited to, monopoles, and b) structure mounted - mounted to the facade or roof of an existing structure.
   Stealth And Stealthing: A WCF that is: a) not easily identifiable as a WCF by a casual observer, and b) aesthetically compatible and blends with the cell site and immediate surroundings. Stealthing may be achieved by any means or combination of means including, but not limited to, the use of camouflage, painting, screening, textures, or architectural integration with the surroundings (e.g., a bell tower within a church or a church steeple, an unobtrusive penthouse on a roof, false structure integrated into the design of existing site or structure, false rock, or false tree amongst existing or new vegetation).
   WCF Support Facilities: Any enclosed box, cabinet, shed, or structure located on the cell site which houses, among other things, batteries, electrical, or other equipment necessary for the operation of the WCF. This shall apply to any associated structures deemed necessary for the operation of the WCF.
   Whip Antennas: An omnidirectional antenna that is very thin, less than two inches (2") in diameter, and not exceeding eighteen feet (18') in height.
   Wireless Communication Facilities - Height: The height of wireless communication towers or poles shall be measured from natural, undisturbed ground surface below the center of the tower or pole to the top of the highest antenna or piece of equipment attached thereto. In the case of building mounted facilities, the height shall include the height of the portion of the building on which it is mounted.
   Wireless Communication Facility/ies (WCFs): Any collocated, ground mounted, roof mounted, or stealth device or system used for transmitting and/or receiving electromagnetic signals, including, but not limited to, microwaves and radio waves for cellular technology, data transmission, e-mail, mobile services, paging systems, personal communications services, and related technologies. A WCF includes antennas, antenna structures, microwave dishes, parabolic structures; WCF support facilities that house support equipment; and other accessory development, equipment, improvements, and structures used to support the operation of the WCF. (Ord. 252, 11-18-2014)