A.   Applicable Review Authority: The applicable review authority is set forth in section 9.90.070, table 6-1 of this article 6.
   B.   Scheduling Of Review Authority's Action: The review authority shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny a tentative parcel or tract map application within fifty (50) days from the date of adoption by the lead agency of a negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration, determination that the project is exempt from CEQA, or certification of the final environmental impact report.
   C.   Notice And Public Hearing Required:
      1.   The review authority shall hold a noticed public hearing on a tentative parcel or tract map.
      2.   Notice of the public hearing shall be given and the hearing shall be conducted in compliance with Government Code section 66410 et seq., and chapter 9.85, "Public Notices And Hearings", of this title.
   D.   Review Authority's Action Is Conclusive: In the absence of a timely filed written appeal in compliance with chapter 9.81, "Appeals", of this title, the decision of the review authority shall be final and conclusive. (Ord. 242, 9-3-2013)