A.   Use Of Land: Any use of land that is not allowed by this development code (either as a matter of right or through the application of the appropriate land use approval or permit) and/or which is conducted without first obtaining all permits and/or licenses otherwise required pursuant to all applicable state and/or federal laws and/or other provisions of this development code (and thereafter maintaining each such permit and/or license so as to remain legally valid at all times) is hereby declared unlawful and a public nuisance.
   B.   Use Of Occupancy Of Structure: Any structure used or occupied in a manner not allowed by this development code (either as a matter of right or through the application of the appropriate land use approval or permit) and/or which is used or occupied without first obtaining all permits and/or licenses otherwise required pursuant to all applicable state and/or federal laws and/or other provisions of the town code (and thereafter maintaining each such permit and/or license so as to remain legally valid at all times) is hereby declared unlawful and a public nuisance.
   C.   Property Not In Compliance With A Condition Of Land Use Approval Declared Public Nuisance: Any property not in compliance with an applicable condition of approval imposed upon any land use approval, authorization, permit, or variance is hereby declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance. (Ord. 251, 11-18-2014)