Before approving a conditional use permit, the town and/or commission shall find that the circumstances established below apply:
   A.   That the location, size, design, density and intensity of the proposed development is consistent with the general plan, the purpose of the land use district in which the site is located, and the development policies and standards of the town;
   B.   That the location, size, design and architectural design features of the proposed structures and improvements are compatible with the site's natural landform, surrounding sites, structures and streetscapes;
   C.   That the proposed development produces compatible transitions in the scale, bulk, coverage, density and character of the development between adjacent land uses;
   D.   That the building site and architectural design is accomplished in an energy efficient manner;
   E.   That the materials, textures and details of the proposed construction, to the extent feasible, are compatible and consistent with the adjacent and neighboring structures;
   F.   That the development proposal does not unnecessarily block views from other buildings or from public ways, or visually dominate its surroundings with respect to mass and scale to an extent unnecessary and inappropriate to the use;
   G.   That the amount, location, and design of open space and landscaping conforms to the requirements of this development code, enhances the visual appeal and is compatible with the design and functions of the structure(s), site and surrounding area;
   H.   That quality in architectural design is maintained in order to enhance the visual desert environment of the town and to protect the economic value of existing structures;
   I.   That there are existing public facilities, services, and utilities available at the appropriate levels and/or that new or expanded facilities, services and utilities shall be required to be installed at the appropriate time to serve the project as they are needed;
   J.   That access to the site and circulation on and off site is required to be safe and convenient for pedestrians, bicyclists, equestrians and motorists;
   K.   That traffic generated from the proposed project has been sufficiently addressed and mitigated and will not adversely impact the capacity and physical character of surrounding streets;
   L.   That traffic improvements and/or mitigation measures have been applied or required in a manner adequate to maintain a level of service C or better on arterial roads, where applicable, and are consistent with the circulation element of the town general plan;
   M.   That there will not be significant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources including endangered, threatened, rare species, their habitat, including, but not limited to, plants, fish, insects, animals, birds or reptiles;
   N.   That there are no other relevant or anticipated negative impacts of the proposed use that cannot be mitigated and reduced to a level of nonsignificance in conformance with CEQA, the California environmental quality act;
   O.   That the impacts which could result from the proposed development, and the proposed location, size, design and operating characteristics of the proposed development, and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be considered to be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the community or be materially injurious to properties and/or improvements within the immediate vicinity or be contrary to the general plan; and
   P.   That the proposed development will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the development code and applicable town policies, except approved variances. (Ord. 243, 10-15-2013)