A.   All landscaped areas shall be kept and maintained in a manner that does not detract from the appearance of the surrounding properties, and that protects the health, safety, and welfare of the user, occupants, and general public.
   B.   Landscaped areas shall be kept in a neat and clean condition, free of weeds, debris and dead, diseased or dying vegetation, and broken or defective decorative elements of the landscaped area.
   C.   Vegetation in landscaped areas shall be mowed, groomed, trimmed, pruned, and watered as to keep the same in a healthy, growing condition. Irrigation systems shall be kept in good working condition and repair so as to prevent leaks or public health hazards.
   D.   Vegetative overgrowth shall not be permitted in a manner that is likely to harbor rodents, vermin, insects, or other nuisances; or impede, obstruct, or deny pedestrian or other lawful travel on sidewalks, walkways or other public rights of way. (Ord. 254, 12-16-2014)