A.   Residential Parking Space Requirements: The required number of parking spaces for residential uses is provided in table 3-5, "Residential Parking Space Requirements", of this section.
      TABLE 3-5
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Daycare home, large
1 space per 6 children, maximum enrollment based on maximum occupancy load
Duplex dwelling unit
1 space per dwelling unit within a garage or carport
Interim housing
1 space per sleeping room plus 1 per 100 square feet used for assembly purposes or for common sleeping areas
Mobilehome park
2 spaces per unit, 1 covered; tandem parking is permitted, plus 1 space per 8 units which must be designed for guest parking
1.5 spaces for each unit containing 1 bedroom; 2 spaces for each unit containing 2 or more bedrooms. At least 1 of the spaces required for each unit shall be within a garage or carport
Residential related:
Boarding house
1 space per sleeping room or 1 space per bed, whichever is greater
Senior housing
1 space per unit within a carport or garage
Bed and breakfast
1 space per room available for rent in addition to that required for the primary residence
Residential care
1 space per 3 licensed beds
Second dwelling unit
1 per second unit; a minimum of 2 spaces covered per site (in association with primary unit)
Single-family dwelling unit
2 spaces within a garage or carport
   B.   Commercial Parking Space Requirements: The required number of parking spaces for commercial uses is provided in table 3-6, "Commercial Parking Space Requirements", of this section.
      TABLE 3-6
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Commercial retail and services:
Ambulance service
1 space per 500 square feet plus 1 space per ambulance
Animal service:
Animal boarding
1 space per 400 square feet
Animal grooming
1 space per 400 square feet
Animal hospital
1 space per 400 square feet
Auto rental
1 space per 300 square feet of lot area, plus 1 per rental vehicle
Auto repair and service
6 spaces plus 3 spaces per bay
Auto storage
1 space per 5,000 square feet of lot area, plus a minimum of 2 spaces outside any perimeter fence or secure area
Automobile sales, boat sales, mobilehome sales and other similar uses
1 space per 2,000 square feet of open area devoted to display or sales; provided that where such areas exceed 10,000 square feet, only 1 space needed to provide for each 5,000 square feet above the first 10,000 square feet contained in such area
Bingo parlors
1 space per 2 seats
Car wash:
Full service
1 space per 200 square feet of sales, office, or waiting area; plus a 5 space stacking lane per washing station
1 space per stall, plus 2 space stacking lane in front of each stall
Catering services
1 space per 400 square feet
Communications facility
1 space per 500 square feet
Daycare center
1 space per each employee or teacher, and 1 space for each 5 children that the facility is designed to accommodate
Fitness center
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Funeral and interment services
1 space per 50 square feet of seating area
Furniture store, appliance store, home improvement
1 space per 300 square feet
1 space per guestroom, plus 1 space per 3 employees on largest shift, plus, 1 space per 50 square feet of banquet seating area, plus parking for other uses and facilities as required by this schedule
Lumberyards and plant nurseries (nonwarehouse retail facilities)
1 space per 300 square feet of interior space plus 1 space per 1,000 square feet of outdoor or open area used for display or service
Maintenance and repair (no autos)
1 space per 400 square feet
Restaurants (fast food with drive- through)
1 space per 50 square feet of seating area (including outdoor dining), plus a stacking area to accommodate a minimum of 10 cars for drive-through service independent of any on site parking, parking maneuvering areas, and trafficways. The drive-through lanes shall be protected and/or defined by a curbed landscape strip not less than 3 feet wide or the driveway shall be segregated so as to not interfere with pedestrian or vehicle traffic and parking as approved by the commission
Restaurants (including cafes, nightclubs, bars, taverns and other similar establishments)
1 space per 50 square feet of seating area (including outdoor dining)
Restaurants (takeout service - no seating)
1 space per 250 square feet
Retail sales
1 space per 250 square feet
Shopping centers
1 space per 250 square feet
Studio (art, dance, martial arts, music)
1 space per employee, plus 1 space per 2 students at maximum capacity based on occupancy of the building per California building code
Swap meet
1 space per 1,000 square feet of lot area
Theaters, movie, or live performance
1 space per 4 fixed seats for up to 800 seats, plus 1 per 8 fixed seats for seats in excess of 800 seats
Commercial recreation:
Bowling alleys
5 spaces per alley, 2 per pool/billiard table, plus 1 per 250 square feet of public assembly and retail areas
Driving range
3 spaces plus 1 space per tee
Golf course
4 spaces per hole, plus as required for any accessory use
1 space per 600 square feet of floor area plus 1 per employee
Miniature golf
3 spaces per hole, plus as required for any accessory use
Pool/billiards hall
2 spaces per pool/billiard table, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of public assembly area
Skating rink (ice or roller)
1 per 5 fixed seats, or 1 per 35 square feet of seating area if there are no fixed seats; plus 1 per 250 square feet of additional public assembly area and retail sales (excluding rink area)
Tennis/racquetball courts
2 per court, plus as required for any accessory uses
Video arcade, internet cafe
1 space per 200 square feet or 1 space per computer terminal, whichever is greater
General office
1 space per 250 square feet, minimum of 4 spaces
Medical and dental
1 space per 200 square feet, minimum of 4 spaces
   C.   Industrial Parking Space Requirements: The required number of parking spaces for industrial uses is provided in table 3-7, "Industrial Parking Space Requirements", of this section.
      TABLE 3-7
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
General manufacturing and industrial uses
1 per 350 square feet of industrial use plus 1 per 350 square feet of office use plus 1 per vehicle operated in conjunction with the business
Hazardous waste facility
1 space for each 4,000 square feet of outdoor storage of material or 1 space for 250 square feet of office space or 1 space for each 500 square feet of indoor storage, whichever is greater
Ministorage/public storage
6 spaces plus 2 for caretaker, when meeting fire department drive aisle width requirements
Recycling facility (large and small collection facilities)
1 space for each 4,000 square feet of outdoor storage of material or 1 space for 250 square feet of office space or 1 space for each 500 square feet of indoor storage, whichever is greater
Research and development
1 per 500 square feet
Salvage and wrecking yard
1 per 5,000 square feet of lot area, plus 1 per 300 square feet for office and sales area
1 per 1,000 square feet plus 1 per 250 square feet for auxiliary office and sales uses
   D.   Public Facilities Parking Space Requirements: The required number of parking spaces for public facility uses is provided in table 3-8 of this section.
      TABLE 3-8
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
As specified by conditional use permit (chapter 9.63 of this title)
Convalescent facilities, congregate care, assisted living facility
1 space per 4 licensed beds plus 1 per employee on largest shift plus 1 per staff doctor
Cultural institutions/museums
1 space per 300 square feet
1 space per patient bed
Park facilities
5 spaces per acre
Places of assembly
1 space for every 4 permanent seats in principal assembly area or room. Where no permanent seats are provided, 1 space for every 30 square feet of floor area in principal assembly room. 24 linear inches of bench or pew shall be considered a fixed seat
Retirement or rest homes
1 space per 3 beds plus 1 per employee on largest shift
Schools (public/private):
1 space per staff member, plus 1 space per 10 children
K to 8th grades
2 spaces per classroom
9th to 12th grades
7 spaces per classroom
Community college
10 spaces per classroom
10 spaces per classroom, plus 1 space per faculty member and employee on the largest shift
Vocational, trade, or technical schools
1 space per 1.3 faculty, support staff, students during largest attendance period
(Ord. 254, 12-16-2014)