15.20.110   Hearing procedures.
Hearings on rent adjustment applications filed under Section 15.20.090 or 15.20.100(A), (B) and/or (C), or hearings on appeals to the hearing officer from a rent administrator decision on an application under Section 15.20.085, shall be processed, heard and determined in accordance with this section.
A.   A hearing before the hearing officer shall be held: (i) not later than sixty (60) days from the date on which the rent administrator determines the application or appeal is complete; or (ii) not later than sixty (60) days from the final thirty (30) day deadline by which the applicant or appellant must submit additional information or documentation to the city in order for the rent administrator to find that the application or appeal is complete, as provided in Section 15.20.105. If the applicant or appellant fails to pay the required filing fee, the application or appeal shall not be set for hearing until the filing fee has been paid.
B.   The hearing officer shall render its decision in writing, including findings of fact: (i) within seventy-five (75) days after the date that the rent administrator determines that an application or appeal is complete; or (ii) not later than seventy-five (75) days from the final thirty (30) day deadline by which the applicant must submit additional information or documentation to the city in order for the rent administrator to find that the application or appeal is complete, as provided in Section 15.20.105.
C.   Any decision of the hearing officer shall be final.
(Ord. 422 § 1, 2023; Ord. 390 § 8, 2020; Ord. 311 § 9, 2011; Ord. 255 § 14, 2007: Ord. 193 § 10, 1999: Ord. 161 § 9, 1996: Ord. 152, 1996: Ord. 126 § 9, 1994)