13.04.100   Exceptions to the prohibited discharges.
The following discharges are exempt from the prohibited discharges listed in Section 13.04.090:
A.   Waterline flushing and other discharges using approved BMPs and as approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board from potable water sources; provided, that the chlorine residual in any heavily chlorinated water used to disinfect water storage facilities or water mains is thoroughly dechlorinated prior to contacting receiving waters;
B.   Landscape irrigation, lawn watering and irrigation water;
C.   Diverted stream flows, rising groundwater, infiltration of separate storm drains, springs, flows from riparian habitats and wetlands;
D.   Uncontaminated pumped groundwater, foundation and footing drains, water from crawl space pumps, air conditioning condensation;
E.   Individual residential carwashings, dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; and
F.   Water flows generated from emergency response and/or fire fighting activities, however, appropriate BMPs shall be implemented to the extent practible; BMPs must be implemented to reduce pollutants from non-emergency fire fighting flow;
G.   Waters not otherwise containing wastes as defined in California Water Code Section 13050 (d).
The Regional Board may issue waste discharge requirements for discharges exempted from NPDES requirements, if identified to be a significant source of pollutants. The executive officer of the board may also add categories of non-stormwater discharges that are not significant sources of pollutants or remove categories of non-stormwater discharges listed above based upon a finding that the discharges are a significant source of pollutants. In this case, the list of exempted discharges, above, would be adjusted accordingly. (Ord. 229 § 3, 2005)