12.12.050   Location of newsracks.
Any newsrack which rests in whole or in part upon, in, or on any portion of a public right-of-way or which projects onto, into or over any part of a public right-of-way shall be located in accordance with the provisions of this section:
A.   No newsrack shall be located in whole or in part in any roadway.
B.   Newsracks shall be located only near the curb (or, if there is no curb, the edge of the roadway) or the wall of a building. Newsracks located near the curb shall be located no less than eighteen (18) inches or more than twenty-four (24) inches from the roadway edge of the curb. Newsracks located adjacent to a building shall be located parallel to and not more than six inches from the wall thereof. No newsrack shall be located directly in front of any display window of any building abutting a sidewalk or parkway, except near the curb, without the written consent of the person or entity legally in occupancy or otherwise in control of the premises on which the display window is located. If such consent is withdrawn, any newsrack placed in front of a display window shall be removed within fourteen (14) days of the date of written notice from the city to the owner of such newsrack. No newsrack shall be located on the sidewalk or parkway directly opposite a newsstand or another newsrack.
C.   Existing newsracks shall be bolted or safely secured to the sidewalk or concrete slab or other alternate technique approved by the public works director. After one year from the date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter, all newsracks must be bolted to the sidewalk or concrete slab.
D.   Newsracks may be placed next to each other, provided that no cluster of newsracks shall exceed a distance of more than ten feet. A cluster shall include no more than six newsracks. There shall be a limit of two newsracks per publication at any given location per cluster.
E.   No newsrack shall be placed, installed, used or maintained:
1.   Within one hundred (100) feet of any other cluster of newsracks whether or not containing the same issue or edition of the same publication;
2.   Where placement unreasonably interferes with the use of utility poles, traffic signs or signals, mailboxes, mechanical sidewalk cleaning machinery. (Ord. 169 § 5, 1997)