8.16.240   Hearing on the cost of abatement.
At the time and place fixed for receiving and considering the report, the city manager shall hear and consider the report of the costs and expenses of abatement, together with any objections or protests. The city manager may make any revision, correction or modification in the report as he/she deems just, after which the report, as submitted or modified, shall be confirmed. The decision of the city manager shall be final, subject only to an appeal as provided herein. The city manager shall serve a copy of his or her order entitled “Order Determining the Cost of Abatement of the Public Nuisance” upon the property owner, lessee, occupant and other person having charge or control of the property. This notice shall inform the recipients of their right to appeal the determination of costs to the city council pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. 114 § 24, 1993)