8.12.040   Administration of vehicle registration fee.
A.   Receipt of Fee. Vehicle registration fees due pursuant to this chapter disbursed by the SCAQMD and remitted to the city shall be accepted by the fee administrator.
B.   Transfer of Funds. Upon receipt of vehicle registration fees, the fee administrator shall be responsible for placement of such funds into a separate account as hereinafter specified.
C.   Establishment of Air Quality Improvement Trust Fund. The fee administrator shall establish a separate interest-bearing trust fund account in a financial institution authorized to receive deposits of city funds. Interest earned by the account shall be credited to that account and shall be used to finance mobile source air pollution reduction programs.
D.   Audits. The city consents to audits, at least once every two years, of all programs and projects funded by vehicle registration fee revenues. The audit shall be conducted by an independent auditor selected by the SCAQMD. The district shall deduct any audit costs incurred from the city’s fee revenues. (Ord. 79 § 4, 1991)