8.08.200   Vandalism and graffiti reward system fund.
A.   City will establish a Yucaipa vandalism and graffiti reward system fund. All civil fines paid by violators of this chapter shall be placed in the fund. The fund may also receive monetary donations from citizens, businesses and other organizations. Unless otherwise directed by the city council, the city manager or designee shall direct the expenditure of monies in the fund, including, but not limited to, for rewards pursuant to subsection B of this section, for restitution to victims of graffiti vandalism, and to offset the costs of graffiti removal and abatement efforts.
B.   The city may, from time to time, pay rewards in amounts established by the city council for information leading to the arrest and conviction or plea of guilty of any person for violation of California Penal Code Section 594 or 640.5, or any other applicable state statutes related to vandalism, including, but not limited to, graffiti.
C.   No employee or official of the city shall be eligible for a reward pursuant to subsection B of this section.
D.   Claims for rewards under subsection B of this section shall be in writing and filed with the city. Each claim shall specify the following information:
1.   The date, location, and kind of property defaced with graffiti or vandalism;
2.   The name of the person(s) who committed the defacement;
3.   The circumstances under which the person making the claim has knowledge that the person(s) committed the defacement;
4.   Documentary evidence, if any, indicating that the person(s) committed the defacement;
5.   The name of the employee or official to which the person making the claim discussed the matter; and
6.   That the person making the claim declares under penalty of perjury that the information in the claim is true and correct.
E.   Payment of a reward pursuant to subsection B of this section shall only be made by the city after the arrest and conviction or plea of guilty by a person committing the graffiti for violation of California Penal Code Section 594, 640.5, or any other applicable state statutes related to vandalism, including, but not limited to, graffiti.
F.   The person committing the graffiti shall be liable for the amount of any reward paid pursuant to subsection B of this section. If he or she is a minor, the parent or legal guardian of the minor shall be liable for the reward amount and other fines and costs as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 286 § 1, 2009)