8.08.120   Assessment of costs against property.
The total cost for abating such nuisance, as confirmed by the city council, shall constitute a special assessment against the respective lot or parcel of land to which it relates, and upon recordation in the office of the San Bernardino County recorder of a notice of lien, as so made and confirmed, shall constitute a lien on the property for the amount of such assessment.
A.   After such confirmation and recordation, a copy shall be filed with the assessor and tax collector of San Bernardino County, acting for the city, in order that the county officials may add the amounts of the respective assessments to the next regular tax bills levied against the respective lots and parcels of land, and thereafter the amounts shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes are collected and shall be subject to the same procedure under foreclosure and sale in case of delinquency as provided for ordinary municipal taxes; or
B.   After such recordation, such lien may be foreclosed by judicial or other sale in the manner and means provided by law;
C.   Such notice of lien for recordation shall be in form substantially as follows:
(Claim of City of Yucaipa)
Pursuant to the authority vested by the provisions of Chapter 8.08 of the Yucaipa Municipal Code, the City Engineer of the City of Yucaipa did, on or about the _______ day of __________, 20____, cause the painting over or removal of graffiti at the premises hereinafter described in order to abate a public nuisance on that real property; and the City Council of the City of Yucaipa did on the _________ day of _________, 20____, assess the cost of such abatement upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof; and that the City of Yucaipa does hereby claim a lien on such costs of abatement in the amount of that assessment (the sum of $________); and the same shall be a lien upon the real property until the same has been paid in full and discharged of record.
The real property hereinbefore mentioned, and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain parcel of land in the City of Yucaipa, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows:
DATED: This _______day of _________, 20____
   Employee Name
   City Clerk of the City of
      Yucaipa, California
D.   If restitution is subsequently collected from the graffiti vandal, or other responsible party, the city will extinguish all abatement liens for the subject property. (Ord. 286 § 1, 2009)