As used in this title:
“Abandoned animal” means any animal left unattended for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours without receiving proper care and/or treatment by its owner or caretaker.
“Altered dog” means any dog which has been certified in writing by a veterinarian as being nonreproductive.
“Animal” means any mammal, poultry, bird, reptile, fish or any other dumb creature.
“Animal control officer” means any person duly appointed by the health officer and authorized to act on his or her behalf in the enforcement of the animal care and control program.
“Animal menagerie” means any place where wild animals are kept or maintained for private or commercial purposes, including places where wild animals are boarded, trained or kept for hire.
“Animal shelter” means all places where impounded animals are to be confined, by the county.
“Cat” includes all domesticated felines.
“Dog” means any dog of any age, including female as well as male.
“Enclosure” means a pen or structure suitable to confine an animal determined potentially dangerous or vicious. The enclosure shall be defined to prevent the animal from escaping and to prevent the entry of young children and other persons.
“Guard dog” means any dog used for the purpose of guard duty.
“Health officer” means the San Bernardino county director of public health or any other person duly authorized to act on his behalf.
“Impoundment” means the picking up of an animal by a duly authorized person and bringing same into an animal shelter for confinement, custody and disposition.
“Leash” means any rope, leather strap, chain or other material not exceeding six feet in length being held in the hand of a person capable of controlling the animal to which it is attached.
“License tag” means a piece of metal or other durable material inscribed with a date and number which has been issued by the county or city.
“Livestock” includes all domesticated bovine, equine, caprine, new world cameloids, riatates, ovine and porcine species.
“Owner or keeper” means any person who owns or maintains an animal, or who harbors or keeps an animal for fifteen (15) or more consecutive days, except a veterinarian or an operator of a grooming shop, a kennel or a pet shop engaged in the regular practice of this business.
“Person” includes any person, firm, partnership, corporation, trust, and any association of persons.
“Potentially dangerous animal” means any of the following:
1. Any animal, which, unprovoked, on two separate occasions within any thirty-six (36) month period, engages in any behavior that requires defensive action by any person to prevent bodily injury, but only if the person and the animal are off the property of the owner or keeper of the animal when the animal behavior occurs.
2. Any animal, which, unprovoked, bites a person causing a less than severe injury, as defined in this section.
3. Any animal, which, unprovoked, kills, seriously bites or otherwise inflicts or causes injury to a domestic animal, but only if such occurs off the property of the owner or keeper of the attacking animal.
“Pound” or “animal shelter” includes all places where impounded animals are to be confined, whether by the county or by private person or person(s) under contract or agreement with the city.
“Rabies control officer” means any person duly appointed by the health officer and authorized to act in his behalf in the enforcement of the animal and rabies control program.
“Registration” means any animal, which has been declared potentially dangerous or vicious shall be registered as such with the animal care and control program.
“Severe injury” means any physical injury to a human being, which results in muscle tears or disfiguring lacerations or which re-
quires multiple sutures or corrective or cosmetic surgery.
“Stray” means any animal with no identification or with no known owner or keeper.
“Unlicensed dogs” means any dog for which a current license has not been paid, or to which the current tag provided for in this code is not attached.
“Vicious animal” means any of the following:
1. Any animal seized under Section 599aa (fighting animals) of the California Penal Code and fighting dogs as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 597.5 of the California Penal Code when there has been a conviction of the owner or keeper of the subject dogs under that subdivision of the Penal Code.
2. Any animal, which unprovoked, inflicts severe injury on a human being, as such injury, as defined in this section, or kills a human being.
3. Any animal previously determined and currently listed as a potentially dangerous animal, which after its owner or keeper has been notified of this determination continues the behavior of a potentially dangerous animal or is maintained in violation of Section 6.04.093.
“Wild animal” means any wild, exotic, dangerous or venomous animal including but not limited to mammals, fowl, fish or reptile. (Ord. 248 §§ 2, 3, 2005; Ord. 163 § 7(A), 1997)