5.16.090   Cost recovery for special events.
A.   Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, or when a fee waiver has been approved through the community activity grant process, for any special event, the city may impose a fee for expected departmental service charges. Factors that the city will consider in evaluating whether to impose a fee are:
1.   The extent of use of public property or right-of-way;
2.   The extent of use of city services, facilities or affected entities;
3.   The extent of use of city personnel, including police and fire;
4.   Whether the city is sponsoring or co-sponsoring the event.
B.   The city shall require payment of the expected departmental service charges imposed pursuant to subsection A of this section, at the time the completed application is approved and prior to the issuance of the special event permit, unless the city determines there is good cause and extends time for payment.
C.   If the event organizer fails to clean the special event venue or route of the special event both during and upon completion of the special event and to return the area or route to the same condition of material preservation and cleanliness as existed prior to the special event, the event organizer will be billed for actual city costs for cleanup and repair of the area or route occasioned by the special event. If the event organizer failed to comply with such requirements under a previously issued special event permit, the city may require the event organizer to deposit adequate surety in the form of cash.
D.   The applicant will be billed for any city departmental charges in excess of the estimate in subsection B of this section, including any billing and collection costs incurred. (Ord. 394 § 1, 2020)