Every person engaging in business in the city shall pay a business license fee as prescribed by resolution. The amount or rate of the applicable business fee shall bear a reasonable relationship to the service to be performed by the city and the costs incurred by the city in reviewing and acting upon the application. The city council shall, from time to time, review the resolution fixing business license fees and shall retain, revoke, modify, adjust, add or determine any amount or rate of such business license fees. Such resolution shall have the force of law and shall be binding on all persons engaging in business in the city and shall be done in an advertised public hearing.
Every person not having a fixed place of business within the city who engages in business within the city, shall pay a license fee at the same rate prescribed in this chapter for persons engaged in the same type of business and having a fixed place of business within the city. (Ord. 101 § 4, 1992)