Loading...   Emergency override.
The franchisee shall provide an “emergency override” system for use by the city. This emergency alert system will allow live voice communications interrupt on all system channels in the city. The equipment shall be accessible to the city twenty-four (24) hours/day, seven days/week through an exclusive code, which can be used from a touch-tone telephone. The franchisee shall provide and maintain the equipment, services and personnel for the emergency alert system as consideration for the granting of a cable service provider franchise agreement at no cost to the city. Failure to meet the requirements of this section will result in foreseeable damages in an amount specified in the section titled “liquidated damages.” (Ord. 205 § 3, 2001)   Interconnection working group.
In order to develop plans or arrangements for interconnection of access channels between systems, the city may require the formation of an interconnection working group (“IWG”) which shall be comprised of two representatives of the city to be designated by the city and one representative from each of the franchisees in the city. (Ord. 205 § 3, 2001)   The IWG shall be chaired by a representative of the city.   The IWG shall study and make recommendations to the city on a plan for interconnection of PEG access channels on the cable systems. Such plan may include as required by the city:   The technical method of interconnection of PEG access channels;   The financial plan for interconnection, including but not limited to the total costs of the plan put forth by the IWG, and the share for each franchisee;   The transmission and distribution equipment required by each franchisee for the operation of the interconnect;   Operational procedures and maintenance for the interconnect;   Licensing of communications paths;   Specific responsibilities of each franchisee for implementing the interconnection plan developed by the IWG; and   Timetable and implementation plan.   The IWG plan shall address:   The origination of programming from the city complex onto the interconnected network for distribution and reception in all franchised areas of the city;   The origination of PEG access from at least one additional point within the city;   Simultaneous program origination on all channels of the PEG interconnected network which shall be possible on a live and taped basis;   Uniform channel assignments for interconnected PEG access channels;   Mechanisms for the provision of additional interconnected access channels and the use of the fallow time on interconnected access channels; and   Recognition of the access corporation or other designated entity.   Franchisees shall implement any reasonable plan for interconnection adopted by a unanimous vote of the IWG provided, however, that if the interconnection working group is unable to formulate an acceptable interconnection plan within six months of its formation as required by the city, then the city shall have the power to create a fair and reasonable interconnection plan that has been adopted by the city council which franchisees shall then accept, provided that the plan is economically feasible (as determined by the city), the costs of the plan may be passed on to subscribers if and as permitted by FCC rules, and the plan and attendant cost is approved by the council. (Ord. 205 § 3, 2001)   No proliferation of city data network transmissions beyond cable system.   Any cable service provider which transport signals to/from the city data network shall ensure that city data network signals do not "leak" into the surrounding communities. In the event that a service provider connects the cable system in the franchise area to other than city residences or businesses outside the franchise area, then the service provider shall:   Provide, install, and maintain, at its expense, RF filters or other technology to ensure that city data network signals are not useable outside the city franchise area; and   The city, at its cost, shall determine the adequacy of the methods used to prevent "leakage" of city data signals through both pre-installation engineering analysis and post installation testing.   If city determines that the service provider's steps to prevent leakage of city data signals out of the franchise area are inadequate, then the service provider shall at its own cost propose, provide, install, and maintain additional modifications to the cable system as may be needed to prevent such signal "leakage." (Ord. 205 § 3, 2001)
Article XX System Design Requirements--Scope.
4.20.119   System design requirements--Scope.
System design specifications shall be specified and agreed upon in the franchise agreement. All matters offered by the franchisee to the city in response to a request for proposals or other inquiry from the city, which are accepted by the city shall be incorporated by reference in the franchisee’s franchise agreement. (Ord. 205 § 3, 2001)
Article XXI System and Franchisee Performance Evaluation Requirements.